Sunday 8 July 2012

Service Manual Vela Ventilator Systems

Service Manual

Ventilator Systems

L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Revision History
Date  Revision  Pages  Changes
Marc h 2002  X1  All  Initi al Dr aft
April 20 02   X2  All  Added Eng i neerin g  Drawings ,
Theory of O peration, C ali br ati on
an d PM proc e d ures
Ju ne  200 2  X3  All  Added Extende d Fun ction s an d
UVT Test Scr e ens.  A dd ed  E rror
August 20 02  A  All  Fina l rev ie w & en gi ne eri n g
rel ease. Modif i ed OVP,
Calib r ati o n and  scree ns.
Decem ber 20 0 4  B  39  Repl ac ed Fi gure 3.1 3 U mbr el l a
Check Valv e with Figur e 3. 13
Umbr el la  Chec k Valve (P/N
21 95 0)
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual     3
THE Ve la v enti lator systems are warranted to  be fre e from d efects in m aterial an d w orkm a nship  an d to
meet th e pu bli s he d spec ific ati ons f or two ( 2)  year s or 8,0 00 ho urs, whic h ev er occ urs fir st.  The tur bi ne
on ly is w arr anted to be fr ee fr om d efects  in  materia l or w or kmanship f or fi ve (5) y ea r s or  40,00 0 hours
whichever o ccurs first.
The liability of VIASYS Healthcare,  Cr itical  Care Division, (r eferr ed to as the Company) under this
warr anty  is li mi ted to r ep lac in g, repai r in g  or issui n g cre dit, a t  the di scret io n  of the Com p an y, for parts
that bec ome d efecti ve  or fai l to me et pub lis h ed s pe cific ati o ns d uri ng the w arranty p eri o d; the C om pa ny
wil l n ot be  li ab l e u nd er thi s w a rranty  un less ( A) the C om pa n y is pr ompt ly n otifi ed in writi n g by Buy er
up on discov ery of def ects or f ail ur e to me et  pu bl ishe d spec ificat io ns; (B) t he defectiv e u n it or p art is
retur ne d to th e  Com p any, tra n sportati on c ha r ges  prep ai d by Buyer; (C) th e def ectiv e u nit or  part is
rece iv ed by th e  Com pa ny for  ad justm e nt no l ater th an f our we eks  fo ll owin g  the last day o f   the  w arra nty
perio d; and (D)  the Com pa ny’ s exa mi natio n of suc h u nit or  part sha ll disc l ose, to its sati s f actio n, that
such d efects  or  fail ures  ha ve n ot be e n caus e d by misu se, n eg lect, impr op er in stallat io n, un authoriz ed
repair,  alteration or accident.
Any auth or izat i on of the Com pa ny for rep air  or alt er atio n b y  the Bu yer mus t  be i n writ in g to prevent
voidi ng the warr anty. In  no ev ent s ha ll th e Compa ny be li a b le to the Buye r for los s of pr ofi t s, loss of
use, con se qu e ntia l d am ag e o r dam a ges  of any kind ba se d  up on a claim f o r bre ac h of w ar r anty, ot he r
than the  purch ase  price of  an y def ectiv e pr o duct cov ere d here un d er.
The Com pa ny  warr anties  as h ere in  an d abo v e set forth sh al l  not be e nl arg e d, dim in is he d o r  affecte d
by, a nd no ob li gatio n or l ia bi lit y sha ll  arise or  grow o ut of the  ren derin g of technic al a dv ice or serv ic e by
the C om pa ny  o r  its agents  in c on ne ctio n w ith  the B uye r's or d er of the prod u cts furni sh ed h ere un d er.
Limitation of Liabilities
This warr anty  do es n ot co ver normal mai nte na nc e suc h a s cle an in g, a dj us t ment or  lu bri c ation an d
up datin g of eq ui pment parts.  This warr anty sha ll be  v oi d a n d shal l n ot ap pl y if the eq ui pm ent is us ed
with a cce ssor ie s  or  p ar ts n ot  ma nu factu r ed b y  the  Company  or   au thor ized  fo r  use in  writing b y  the
Com p any  or if the  eq ui pment i s not m ai ntai n e d in accord a nc e wit h th e pres cribed s ch ed ul e of
mainte na nc e.
The warr anty st ated  ab ov e sh all exte n d for a  peri o d of FIVE (5) ye ars from date of sh ip ment or 40,0 00
ho urs of use,  w hic he ver occur s first, with th e  followin g ex ce ptions:
1.  Com p on ents fo r monitor in g of physical v ari ab les s uc h as temper at ure, pre ssur e, or flo w a r e
warr anted for n in ety (9 0) days from date of receipt.
2.  Elast om eric c o mpon ents  an d  other p arts or c ompo ne nts su bj ect to d eter io r ation, ov er w hi ch the
Com p any  ha s no control, ar e  warr anted for s ixty (60) days fr om d ate  of recei pt.
3.  Internal  batteri es ar e warrant ed for ni nety (9 0) days from th e date of rece i pt.
The for e go in g i s in l ie u of a ny  warr anty, expr essed or  impli e d, inc lu di n g, wi thout lim itati on, any  warr anty
of merc ha nt ab i lity, exc e pt as to title,  an d ca n  be ame n de d o nly in writi ng b y a d uly  authori zed
repr es entative of  the Comp an y.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
4   Vela Ventilator s
Revision History..............................................................................................................2
Warranty....................................................................................................................... ..................3
Limitation of Liabilities...................................................................................................... ............................ 3
Notices ........................................................................................................................ ...... 9
Copyright Notice ............................................................................................................... ............. 9
Trademark N o t i c e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 9
EMC Notice ..................................................................................................................... ................ 9
MRI Notice..................................................................................................................... ............... 10
Intended Us e Notice ............................................................................................................ ........ 10
Regulatory Notice .............................................................................................................. .......... 10
IEC Classifi cation ........................................................................................................................ 10
Declaration of Conformity Notice ............................................................................................... 10
Safety Information......................................................................................................... 11
Terms ............................................................................................................................................11
Warnings ....................................................................................................................... ............... 11
Cautions ....................................................................................................................... ................ 12
Equipment Symbols ...................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 1  Introduction.................................................................................................15
General Inst ructions ........................................................................................................... .........15
Recommended Tools & Equipm ent............................................................................................15
Recommended Maintena nce Schedu les.................................................................................... 16
Schedules .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Chapter 2 Theory of  Operation..................................................................................... 17
General Device Description ........................................................................................................ 17
Pneumatic System Overview ...................................................................................................... 17
Flow Deliver y System ........................................................................................................... ..................... 17
Exhalation System .............................................................................................................. ....................... 17
Safety  System ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Inspirat ory Hol d   V a l v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 18
Oxygen Blending S ystem............................................................................................................ 18
Electronic Ov e r v i e w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........18
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual     5
User int erface module (UIM) .................................................................................................... ................. 18
Power System................................................................................................................... ........................ 20
Main Controll er System ............................................................................................................................. 20
The Watchdog  Timer and Hardware F au l t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 21
Exhalation System .............................................................................................................. ....................... 21
Flow Deliver y System ........................................................................................................... ..................... 21
Oxygen Blending Syst em.......................................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 3  Disassemb ly & Assembly.......................................................................... 23
General Instructions and Warn ings ........................................................................................... 23
Required  Tools................................................................................................................. ........... 24
Disassembly and Reassembly Procedures............................................................................... 24
Power Cable .................................................................................................................... .......................... 24
Top Cover Part  number 15893.................................................................................................... .............. 25
Battery Tray Part Number 10633 ................................................................................................. .............. 26
PCMCIA Cards................................................................................................................... .......... 28
Left Pa nel..................................................................................................................... ................ 28
Right Panel Containing the Power PCB P/N 15894 .................................................................. 29
Front Panel Pa rt numbe r 15869 .................................................................................................. 32
Parts List – Front Panel Part Numb er 15869..................................................................................... ........ 33
Main PCB (on Front  Panel) P/N 52130....................................................................................... 34
Flow Sensor PCB assembly P/ N 15991..................................................................................... 37
Exhalation Valve Assembly P/N 15871...................................................................................... 38
Inspiratory Hold Solenoid and  Check Valve Assem bly P/N 10346.......................................... 39
Manifold Base assembl y ............................................................................................................. 40
Oxygen Sensor part numbe r 15972 ........................................................................................... 43
Rear Panel part number 1 5892 ................................................................................................... 44
Turbine and Muffl er Assembly ................................................................................................... 47
Over Pressure Relie f Valve assem bly....................................................................................... 48
Turbine Motor Driver PCB part number 71597 ..........................................................................49
Muffler/Filter Assembli es part num ber 10364 ........................................................................... 50
Removal........................................................................................................................ ............................ 50
Blender Assembly Part N umber 15895 ...................................................................................... 51
Fan Assembly part number  15500............................................................................................. 53
Chapter 4   Operational Verification and Calibration............................................... 55
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
6   Vela Ventilator s
Operational Verifi cation Testing ............................................................................................... .. 55
Lamp Test .................................................................................................................................................. 56
Switch Test.................................................................................................................... ............................ 56
Alarm Test ..................................................................................................................... ............................ 57
Filter Test .................................................................................................................... ...............................57
Leak Test ................................................................................................................................................... 58
Exit............................................................................................................................................................. 58
Extended Fu n c t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 59
Events......................................................................................................................... ...............................60
Transducer Data................................................................................................................ ........................ 61
Transducer T e sts............................................................................................................... ........................ 62
Version Information............................................................................................................ ....................... 64
Date & Time .................................................................................................................... ........................... 65
FiO2 Calibration ............................................................................................................... .......................... 66
Vent ilator  Setup ............................................................................................................... .......................... 66
Low Min Volu me Off.................................................................................................................................. 67
Locks Disabled ................................................................................................................. ......................... 68
FiO2 Monitor Disabled .......................................................................................................... ..................... 68
Altitude Ad just ment............................................................................................................ ........................ 69
Language Selection...................................................................................................................................70
Verification test s .......................................................................................................................... 71
Vela Ventilator Performance Ch ecklist ...................................................................................... 73
Calibra tion .................................................................................................................... ................ 75
Test Set-up.................................................................................................................... ............................ 75
Power Up Verifica tion/Service Veri fication Tests ....................................................................................... 75
Exhalation Pressu re Transducer ................................................................................................. .............. 77
Turbine Pressure Transducer .................................................................................................... ................ 78
Exhalation Flow Tran sducer Calibration ......................................................................................... ........... 80
Oxygen Pressure Trans ducer Calibration......................................................................................... .........81
Regulat or ca libration:................................................................................................................................. 83
Oxygen Sensor Calibration ...................................................................................................... ... 86
Chapter 5  Maintenance & T roubleshooting ............................................................... 89
Routine Maintenance Procedures.............................................................................................. 89
Replacing the softwar e PCMCIA cards.....................................................................................................89
Replacing the exte rnal A/C fuses. .............................................................................................. ............... 90
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual     7
The Annual 5000 hour P. M. Procedure ...................................................................................... 91
Replacing the ambi ent air filter............................................................................................... ................... 91
Replacing the f an fi lter ....................................................................................................... ........................ 91
Replacing the filter, ret aining ring & ch eck valve on the low  pres O2 fitting.............................................. 92
Replacing the filter, ret aini ng ring and check  valve on the hi pressu re fitting ............................................92
Replacing  t he muffler and  muffler filter  assemblies............................................................................ ....... 93
Replacing the left pa nel w/powe r PCB. .......................................................................................... ........... 95
Troubleshoo ting ................................................................................................................ .......... 96
If The Ventilator Does not Turn ON ............................................................................................. .............. 96
Reviewing the Trans ducer Wavef orms..................................................................................... 97
Appendix A  Contact & Ordering  Informatio n ............................................................ 99
How to Call  for S upport ........................................................................................................ ...... 99
Ordering  Part s ................................................................................................................. .......... 100
Appendix B Diagrams & Schem atics ........................................................................ 101
Appendix C  Specifications ........................................................................................105
Oxygen Supply .......................................................................................................................... 105
High Pressure Connect or ........................................................................................................ ................ 105
Low Pressure Connector ......................................................................................................................... 105
Electrical  Supply .............................................................................................................. .........105
AC Power Supply ................................................................................................................ .................... 105
DC Power  Supply ................................................................................................................ .................... 105
Data Input / Output ............................................................................................................ ........ 106
Analog Inputs.......................................................................................................................................... 106
Analog Ou t puts ................................................................................................................. ....................... 106
Digital Comm unication.......................................................................................................... ................... 107
Print er ........................................................................................................................ .............................. 107
Remote Nurse Call .............................................................................................................. .................... 107
Video O utput ................................................................................................................... ........................ 107
Atmospheric & Environm ental Specifi cations ........................................................................ 107
Temperature and Humidity....................................................................................................... ............... 107
Barometric Pressure ............................................................................................................ .................... 108
Physical Dimensions ............................................................................................................ .... 108
Overall  Size ................................................................................................................... .......................... 108
Weight......................................................................................................................... ............................ 108
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
8   Vela Ventilator s
Appendix D Service Event Cod es .............................................................................. 109
Appendix E Error Messag es ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Glossary .......................................................................................................................112
Index .......................................................................................................................... ... 114
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
9   Vela Ventilator s
Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2001 VIA SYS Healthcare, Cr it ic al Care Div ision, Calif ornia.
This work is pr otect ed un der Title 17 of th e  U.S. Co de an d  is the s ol e pr o perty of the Company. N o p ar t
of this docume nt may  be c op i ed or other wis e reprod uce d,  or stored in  an y electro nic  inf ormat io n
retrieval system, except as s pecifically per mitted  under U.S. Copyright  law, without the prior  written
conse nt of the Comp any. For more inf orm ati on, c ontact:

World Headquarter s   European Office
11 00 B ir d Ce nt er Dri ve   Rem br an dtl aa n 1b
Palm Sprin gs, CA 9 22 6 2-8 09 9   37 23 BG Bilt ho ven
U.S.A.  P.O. Box 2 99, 37 20 AG  Biltho ven
Phone:  (7 60 ) 778 -7200  Th e Ne ther land s
  (8 00 )  328-4139  Phone:  (3 1)  3 0 2 289  71 1
Fa x:  (7 60 )  778-7274  Fa x:  (3 1)  3 0 2 286  24 4
www.Vi asys Crit ical
Trademar k Notices

 is a registered trademark of VIASYS  Healt hcare,  Critical  Care Division in the U.S. and some
other co untrie s . All oth er  bran d n ames and p r od uct n am es  ment io ne d i n this m an u al are  trademarks,
registered tr ad emar ks, or trad e n ames of the ir res pect ive ho ld ers.
EMC Notice
This eq ui pmen t  gen er ates, u s es, a nd c an ra di ate radi o fre q ue ncy en ergy.  If not install e d an d us e d in
accord an ce with the  instr ucti o ns in this m a nu al, e lectromag netic interfere n ce ma y res ult.  The
eq ui pment h as  been te sted a nd fo u nd to c o mply  with the  li mits set forth in EN6 06 0 1-1-2 for Me dical
Prod ucts. The s e limits p r ovide reas onable  p r ot ection  agains t e lectro m agnetic inte rfe r enc e when
op erated in th e  inte nd e d use  enviro nm ents  descri be d i n this man u al.
The ventilat or  has  be e n tested to conform to the fol lo wi n g specific ati ons:
MIL- STD-46 1D:1 99 3,  MIL-STD-46 2D:199 3,   EN55011 :1 99 1 ,  IEC 10 00-4- 2:19 94, IEC 100 0-4-3:1 9 94,
IEC 100 0-4-4:1 99 4, IEC 1 0 00-4-5:19 94, QUA SI-STATIC:199 3
This ventilat or is als o d esi g ne d a nd m an ufa c t ured to compl y with the s afet y req uir ements  of IEC 601-1,
IEC 601-2-12,  CAN/ CSA- C22 . 2 No. 60 1.1-M90, a n d U L 2 6 01-1.

L1534  Revision B  December 2004
10   Vela Ventilator s
MRI Notice
This eq ui pmen t  conta in s el ectr oma g netic compon ents  who se operati on c an be affecte d  by inte nse
el ectrom a gn eti c fiel ds.
Do not o p erat e  the ve nti lat or in a M RI en vir o nme nt or i n th e  vici nity of hi gh -freq ue ncy s ur gic al
di at he rmy equ ip ment, de fibrillato rs , o r  short-wave th erapy  e qu ipme nt. Ele c tromag netic  int erferen ce
could  disru pt the operati on of the v entil ator.
Intended Use Notice
Th e Ve la  Ven t ila to rs  ar e  de sign ed  to  p r ov ide  ve nt ila t or  support fo r the  critica l care  ma nage ment  o f
infa nt, p ed iatric  or adult patie n t s with c om pro mise d l un g fu n ctio n. They  ar e  inte nd e d to pr ovide
cont in uo us res pir atory s up p or t  in a n in stituti o na l h ea lth c are  env iro nm ent.  They should only be
operated by properly trained clinical pe rsonnel, under the direction of a physi cian.
Regulator y  Notice
Federa l law restricts the sal e  of this devic e except by or  on order of  a phys ici an.
IEC Classification
Type of Equipment:   Medica l Eq uipment, Class 1  typ e B
   Adult/Pe di atric/ I nfant Lu ng Ventilator
Declaration of Conformity Notice
Th is me dical eq uipm en t co mplie s with the  Medical Device Directive,
93/42/E EC, an d the f oll o wi ng Tech nical St a n dards, to w hi ch
Conformity is  d ecl ared:
 EN60601 -1
 EN60601 -1 -2
  ISO 90 01, E N 4600 1
EU Notified Body:
  BSI (Reg. No. 0086)
Traden ame s: 
If you hav e a quest ion regarding th e Declar at ion of Conf ormity for  this pr oduct, please c ontact VIASYS
Healt hcare, Cri t ical  Care D ivisio n at th e num ber given in A p pe nd ix A.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual   Fron t Ma tter   11
Safety Information
Plea se re view  the following  safet y informat ion prior to operating the  ventilator.  Attempt ing to
op erate the ve ntilator  witho ut fully un d ersta n di ng its features and functions may result i n u nsafe
op er at ing condition s.
Warn in gs a n d Ca uti ons  which are ge neral to the use  of the vent il ator un de r  all c ircumstan ces ar e
inclu de d i n this  secti on.  So m e War ni ngs  an d Cautio ns ar e  also i nserted w ithi n th e ma nu al w h ere they
ar e mo st meaningfu l.
Notes are also locate d thr ou g ho ut the m a nu al to  prov id e add itio n al i nform ation relat ed to  spec ific
If you h av e a q uest io n re ga rd i ng th e i nstall ati on, s et up,  op e r ation, or m ai nt en an ce  of the vent il ator,
cont act VAS Y S He alt hcare C ustom er C ar e as sho wn i n A p pe nd ix A, C ontact & Ord eri ng Inform ation.
WARNI NGS   id entify c o nd iti ons  or pr actic e s that coul d res ult i n ser io us adverse r eact io ns or
potential s afety  haz ards.
CAUTIONS  id entify c o nd iti ons  or pr actic e s that coul d res ult i n d amag e to the v e ntilator or oth er
eq ui pment.
NOTES   id entify s u pp le ment al infor ma t ion t o h el p you  better  un de rst an d h ow the v e ntilator
work s.
Warning s and  Cau t io ns  appea r thro ug hout this ma nual whe r e the y  ar e re le vant.  Th e Warnin gs  an d
Cauti ons l isted  her e app ly ge neral ly a ny tim e you operate t he v entil ator.
•  The Vel a Ve nti l ator is int en de d for us e by a tr ai ne d practiti o ner un de r the  d irecti o n of a
qu al ified phys i cia n.
•  When th e ve nti lator  is co n nect ed to a pati ent, a traine d hea lt h car e pr ofession al sho ul d b e  in
atten d ance at  all ti mes to re a ct to an  al arm  or other i n dicat io ns of a probl em.
•  Alar m loudne ss must be  set  ab ov e ambien t so un d  in   or de r to be hear d.
•  Always have  a n  alt ern ate me ans of  ve ntilati on ava il ab le  w he ne ver th e ve ntilator i s in us e.
•  The op erat or s ho ul d n ot tou c h the el ectric al  conn ectors of the v entil ator or  acce ssor ie s, a nd
th e patie nt  simu ltane ou sly.
•  Due to poss ib l e expl osio n ha zard, the ventil ator s ho ul d n ot  be u se d i n the  pres en ce of
flamm ab le an e stheti cs.
•  An a ud ib le  al ar m indicates  an an omal ous c o n diti on an d sho u ld nev er g o u n he ed e d.
•  Anti-sta tic or e l ectrica l ly conductive  hose s or  tu bi ng sho u ld   not  be used with in  th e  pat ient
•  If a mech a nic al  or el ectric al  pr ob lem  is rec o g niz ed whil e run ni ng th e Op er a t ional V erif icati on
Tests, or whi le  op eratin g the ventilat or, the v entilat or must be rem ove d fro m use  an d r efe rred
to qu al ifi ed personn el for servi cin g. Usin g an  in op erative v e n t ilator may r es ult i n p atie nt i nj ury.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
12   Vela Ventilator s
•  When a low  ga s sup pl y al arm  occurs, the  oxyge n conc entrat io n d eli vered to  the pati ent w il l
differ from that set on  the O2 control setting.
•  A sour ce ga s fail ur e wi ll cha n ge th e FIO2 an d may r es ult i n pati e nt in jury.
•  The function in g of thi s e qu ip ment may be  a dverse ly affected  by th e operation of  other
eq ui pm ent  nearb y, su ch  as h i gh frequen cy su rgical (dia th er my) eq ui pm en t, def ib rilla t or s,
short-wave th e r apy  eq ui pme n t, “w alkie-t alk ie s,” or c el lu la r  p ho ne s.
•  Water in th e air  sup ply c a n ca use malf un ction of thi s e qu ip ment.
•  Do  not  block o r  re strict the Oxygen  bleed  port lo ca te d  on the  instru ment   ba ck pan el.
Equipmen t malfu nction  ma y result.
•  Electric sho ck haz ar d - Do   no t remove  any  of th e ven t ila t or   co ve rs o r   panels.  Re fe r  al l
servicing to an authorized VIASYS Healthc ar e serv ic e tec hnician.
•  A protectiv e gr ou nd c o nn ectio n by  way  of the gro un di ng c o n duct or i n the  p ow er cor d is
essential f or sa fe op er ation. U po n l oss of  prot ectiv e gr ou nd, all c on d uctive  parts inc lu di ng
knobs  an d co nt rols that may app ear t o b e in s ul ate d, ca n ren der an el ectric shock. To avoi d
el ectric al sho c k, plu g th e pow er cor d i nto  a pr op erly  wired rece ptacl e, us e on ly th e pow er  cord
suppl ie d w ith the v entil ator, and m ak e sur e t he po wer c or d is in  go o d cond ition.
The following  cautions  apply any ti me yo u work with the ventilator.
•  When re pl acin g fus es, ensure that  ne w fus e s are of the s a me type a nd v al ue as th ose  b ei ng
replaced.  Incorrect fuses ca n  caus e dam ag e to th e ve ntilat or.
•  A batte ry th at is fully  drain e d (i.e. vo id  of an y charg e) ma y cause dam ag e t o the ve ntilator and
sh ou ld  be rep l aced .
•  All a ccessor y e qu ipme nt that i s con n ected to the v entilat or  must co mply w ith
•  To avoi d dam a ge to the eq ui p ment, cle an th e air filter r eg ul arly.
The following  cautions  apply when cleani ng the ventilator or when sterilizing ventilator
ac ce s sorie s.
•  Do not ster il ize the ve nti lat or. The inter n al co mpon ents are not  c ompati bl e with  st eri liz ati o n
tech ni qu es.
•  Do not gas st er iliz e or steam autoc lav e tubing adapters or c o nnector s in pl ace. The t ubing  wil l,
over time, tak e  the sh a pe of the ad apter, causing po or con nect io n a nd po ssib le  le aks.
•  DO NOT submerge th e ve ntilator or  p our c le an in g li q ui ds over or into the vent il ator.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual   Fron t Ma tter   13
Equipment Symbols
The foll owin g symbols m ay be  refer ence d o n the ventilat or or  in ac com p anyin g docu mentat ion

Symbol  Source/Compl iance  Meaning

Sy mbol #0 3-02 IEC 60878  Indic at es  ATTENT ION, c onsult ACC O MPANYING DOCUMENTS

Sy mbol #5 016 IE C 60417  This symbol indicates a FUSE.

Sy mbol #5 034 IE C 60417
Sy mbol #0 1-36 IEC 60878
This symbol i ndicates INPUT.

Sy mbol #5 035 IE C 60417
Sy mbol #0 1-37 IEC 60878
This symbol i ndicates O U TPUT

Sy mbol #5 019 IE C 60417
Sy mbol #0 1-20 IEC 60878
This symbol indicates protective  EARTH (g round).

Sy mbol #5 021 IE C 60417
Sy mbol # 0 1-2 4 IE C 60878
This symbol indicates the EQ UIPOTENTIAL connection used to
connect various  parts of the equipment or of a system to the same
potential, not ne cessarily being t he earth (ground) potential (e.g., for
local bonding).

Sy mbol # 5 33 3 IE C 60417
Sy mbol #0 2-03  IE C 60878
This symbol indicates TYPE BH equipment, which indicates equipment
that provides a particular degree of protection against electric shock,
particularly with  regards to allowable leakage cur r ent and reliabilit y of
the protective earth connection.

Sy mbol #5 032 IE C 60417
Sy mbol #0 1-14  IE C 30878
This symbol indicates the equipment is suitable  for alternating current.

Sy mbol# 5 049 IE C 60417
This Symbol ind i cates the ON condition for a part of the equipment.
When pressed the ventilator will  operate from the MAINS voltage  (if
connected) or internal or external batteries if the b attery charge is
within operating specifications.

Sy mbol #5 007  IE C 60417
Sy mbol #0 1-01  IE C 60878
Indic ates ON (Power)

Sy mbol #5 008  IE C 60417
Sy mbol #0 1-02  IE C 60878
Indicates OFF (Power)

Sy mbol #0 651 IS O 7000
Horizontal return with line feed.   I ndicates ACCEPT entered values for
a specific fie ld.

Graphic al  Symbol  in
general us e  i nter n ationally
for “ D O NOT”
This symbol indicates CANCEL.  Do not accept entered values.  The
ventilator contin ues to operate at previous settin gs.

Sy mbol #5 467 IE C 60417

Pressing the but ton with this symbol will FREEZE the current display.

Sy mbol #5 569 IE C 60417  This symbol indicates a CONTROL LOCK.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
14   Vela Ventilator s
Symbol  Source/Compl iance  Meaning

VIASYS Healthcar e symbol  This symbol represents a NEBULIZER.

Sy mbol #5 319 IE C 60417

This symbol indicates ALARM SI LENCE

Sy mbol #5 307 IE C 60417

This symbol i ndicates ALARM RESET

VIASYS Healthcar e symbol  Increase OXYGEN

VIASYS Healthcar e symbol  Indicates VARIA BLE ORIFICE FLOW SENSOR

Sy mbol #5 031 IE C 60417

This symbol indicates DIRECT C URREN T  (DC )

Sy mbol #5 546 IE C 60417  This symbol indicates the INTERNAL BATTERY  STATUS display

VIASYS Healthcar e symbol  This symbol indicates INSPIRATORY HOLD

VIASYS Healthcar e symbol
This symbol i ndicates EXPIRATORY HOLD

VIASYS Healthcar e symbol  This symbol indicates MANUAL BREATH

L1534  Revision B  December 2004

Chapter 1  Introduction
General Instructions
When d isasse mbl in g or  asse mblin g th e Ve l a, refer t o the  p ne um atic sc he matic, tubi ng di agram, an d the
wirin g di a gram  show n in Ap pe nd ix B and the ap propr iat e sc hem atics and a ssem bly  drawi ngs f or e ach
assembly. The illustratio ns s h own i n this m a nu al  are for ref ere nc e only, c u rrent revisio ns  of thes e
di agrams  an d  schemat ics ar e  ava il ab le to  qu alifie d pers on n el from  VIASYS He alt hcare,  Critic al  Care
Division, Technical S upport.
Always ta ke st an dard ES D precauti on s whe n w orki ng on V el a ventilator systems.
Ensure the v en t ilator is d isc on nect ed fr om the AC po wer s u pp ly b efor e p er f ormi ng an d repa irs or
mainte na nc e. Whe n you rem ove an y of the ventil ator covers or p an els, i m mediat ely disc on ne ct the
inter n al battery  “q ui ck re le as e ” c on ne ctor (s e e figure  3.1)  be fore w ork in g on the ve ntilator.
Recommended Tools & Equipment
Before using any test equipment  [electronic or pneumat ic] for calibration procedures, the accuracy of the
instruments must be verified by a testing laboratory.  T he laboratory master test instruments must be traceable to
the NIST (National Institute of Standards Technology) or equivalent.
When variances exist between th e indicated and  actual values, the calibration cur ves [provided for each
instrument by the testing laborat ory] must be used to es tablish th e actual correct values.  This  certification
procedure should be performed  at least once every six months.   More frequent c ertification may  be required
based on usage.
Lo ng & sh ort P hil ip s screw drivers
Flat bla de d scr ewdriver
¼” Nut  Dirver
5/ 16” Nu t Driver
7/8” N ut Dri ver
11/32 ” Nut Dr iv el
Digital Volt Meter
Tack  p ul ler or Ne ed le no se d pli ers
Diagona l cu tte rs
1 ” a nd ¾ ”  o pe n  ende d wr en ch es
Pressur e Ma no meter  (cm H2 O  and ps ig)
Adult Test Lung  P/N 33754
Adult Patien t Circuit P/N 10 684
Varia bl e Orifice Flo w Se ns or  assembly P/N  15 97 2
Valve Bo dy P/N 20 00 5
Ta pe red nipp le P/N 0 0680
Hex nut P/N 0082 2
Regu lat or P/N 67 54
1/8” ID Tu bi n g tee P/N 00 3 58 D (10pk)
1/8” ID s ili co ne  tubi ng P/ N 04 02 9 X (5 0ft)

L1534  Revision B  December 2004
16   Vela Ventilator s
Recommended Mainte nance Schedules
Every 500 hours ,  the f an an d  amb ie nt air filt ers sho ul d b e c le an ed an d rep lac ed if ne cess ary. 
Every 5000 hours , VIASY S recomme n ds that the fo ll owin g  Prev entiv e Ma inte n ance proc ed ure be
perform ed (s ee  cha pter 4 for instructio ns).  This  proc e dure i ncl ud es:
•  Repl ac eme nt o f  the fan fi lter, t he amb ie nt a ir  filt er, th e co ne filters i n th e hig h & lo w pressu re
gas  in lets  an d the turbi n e mufflers/fi lter.
•  Perform verific atio n pr oc ed ur es d escrib ed in  Ch apter 4
•  Calib r ati o n of the tra ns du cer s  & solen oi ds if necessary.
Every 10,000 hours or e very two ye ars, whi che ver occurs  soon er, the i nt ern al  oxyge n s ensor sho ul d
be rep lac e d.
Mainte na nc e on the Vel a s ho ul d o nly  be c ar rie d out by a tr ai ne d and auth oriz ed s erv ice t ech ni ci an.
VIASYS Healthcare will make available t o qualified  technicians, service m anuals and such item s as
circu it dia gra m s, comp o ne nt parts l ists, cali brati o n instructions  an d other i nform ati on to a ssist in re pa ir
of thos e parts of the v entil ator  des ig nated b y  the m an ufact urer  as re p air a bl e item s.
The dr a wi ngs,  di agrams  an d  schemat ics i ncl ud ed in th is m a nu al  are for ref ere nc e only  an d may  be
up dated s e parately from this  manu al aft er p ub lic ati on.  For  current revisi o ns of all  documentation,
co nt act VIASYS Health ca re  Tech  Sup p or t a t   th e numbers p r ovid ed  in  Appen dix A.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004

Chapter 2 Theory of Operation
General Device Description
The Vela Ventilator uses  a rev olutionary tur bine  gas  deliv ery system with sophist icated m i cropr oc essor
contr ol. Its Graph ica l Us er Int erfac e provid e s sup p ort for p ed iatric to adu lt  pati ents.  The  Vela can
de liv er cl in icall y adv a nce d mo des  of ve ntilati on lik e Pres sure Su pp ort a n d can  be po w ere d wit h a n
internal battery or AC power f or  an  mo re  exte ns ive patien t rang e.
Pneumatic System Overview
The Vela ventilator pneumatic  system is  elec tromec ha nical  and is c om pris ed of four major subs ystems,
each containing sev er al c omponents. Thes e  systems are t h e flow deliver y system, the ex halation
system, the saf ety system and the inspirat ory hold v alv e.  Indiv idual subsy s t ems are discussed in detail
be lo w.
Flow Delivery System
This electrom echanical system controls   all inspirat ory flow to the  patie nt.  The syst em delivers flow to
satisfy criteri a f or ma ny b r e ath  types, i ncl u di n g vo lum e c ontroll e d, pre ssur e  controll e d, an d pressure
supported. The system c omprises a turbine, differential pr essure transduc er, 2 auto- zer o  valv es ,  and  an
optica l e nco d er  spe ed tr ansd u cer.  When a  b r eath is i niti ate d, the c ontrol le r  controls th e spe ed of the
turbi n e to ac hi eve t he req uir e d flow rate.  
The spe ed an d  differential  pr e ssur e tran sd uc er si gn als f unct io n as c ontrol i np uts to e ns ur e that th e
prope r  flow rate is d el iv ere d even whe n b ack pres sure vari e s.  Periodica lly,  the auto z ero  valv es activ ate
to refer e nce  bo th sid es  of the differ entia l pre ssur e tran sd uc er to ambi e nt p r essure. The offset is
recor d ed by th e co ntroll er, a n d is u se d as  a  corre ction for futur e pr essure  measur ements .  This
compensates for long term and  temperature  drift.  Materials ex posed to patient  gases  include
com patibl e p la stics, al umin u m, an d plated  stee l.  
Exhalation System
The exhalation system c ontrols the flow  of gas from  the  p ati ent’s lu n gs duri ng th e exh al ati on ph as e of a
breath.  Th is e l ectrom ec ha ni c al s ubsystem  i s mad e u p of a n exha lat io n valve, a fl ow tr an sducer, a
differ entia l pre ssur e tran sd uc er, an air wa y p r essure tr ansd ucer,  an d thr ee  auto z er o sole no id v alv es.
During exhalation, the outflow  of  gases is regulated by the exhalat i on valv e to achieve the set PEEP.
The exh al ati on  valv e is c om pr ise d of an e le ctromag netic li ne ar actuator ope r ating ag ai nst a mech an ical
po pp et/se at. The  gas fl o w travels t hro ug h the flo w transd uc er.  The fl ow tr ansd ucer is a v ari ab le  orific e
type  an d cre at es a differ entia l  press ur e pr op ortio n al to fl ow.  This diff erenti al pr essur e is t r ansmitte d to
the d ifferential  pres sure trans ducer, w hic h converts the pre ssur e si gn al to  an el ectric al si gn al.  The
contr ol ler  uses this si g na l for fl ow tri gg eri n g a nd to m o nitor e xha le d tida l vo l ume.  Th e airw ay pr essure
trans du cer r ea ds pressure  in  the e xh al ati on leg of the patie nt circuit. This signa l is used  as a fe e db ack
sign al fo r co nt ro lling  PEEP, p r essu re  cont ro l, pr essu re  suppo rt, a n d variou s pr es su re  mon ito rs.
Periodically, the auto zero valves activate to  refe r en ce the differe nti al a n d airway pressur e tran sd uc ers
to ambi ent p r e ssur e. The offset is rec or de d  by th e co ntroll e r , and is us e d as a n offs et for  future
pressure measurements. This compensat es f or long term and tem perature drift.  Materials exposed to
patie nt ga ses  i ncl ud e  c ompati bl e pl astics, al uminu m, an d st ainle ss steel.   
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
18   Vela Ventilator s
Safety System
The mechanical safety system ens ur es that  the pa tient ca n breath spont aneous ly  from room air and
that th e patie nt  press ur e is l im ited t o a m aximum pres et val u e in t he event  of a ve nti lat or malf unct io n.
This mechanical system c onsists of a pres sure relief  v alv e and a sub ambient relief valve.  In the ev ent
of a ve nti lat or malf unct io n th a t  results  in  hi gh  press ur e, the  pres sure is l imi ted b y a re li ef valv e.  The
relief va lv e co n sists of a us er-ad justab le, spri ng-lo ad e d p op pet a ctin g a g ai nst a s eat. 
In the  event the ve ntilator f ail s to de liv er a  b r eath, the patie nt may i ns pir e  sponta n eo usl y by dr awin g
room air thro ug h the s u b am bi ent reli ef va lve. 
Materia ls ex p o sed to p atie nt  gas  are al umin um, comp atible  rub ber,  an d co mpat ib le  pl astics.  
Inspiratory Hold Valve
The i ns pir atory  hol d valv e is  a n el ectrome ch an ica l so le n oi d  valv e.  If activ ate d, the i ns pir atory ho ld
valv e blocks flow between the  flow  deliv ery system  and the patient. This valve is activ ate  during
inspir atory ho ld  and maxim um  ins pir atory pressur e ma ne uv ers. Mat eri als expos ed to p ati ent g as es are
al uminu m a nd com patibl e ru b ber an d plastic. 
Oxygen Blending System
The  optional oxygen bl ending system is made up of an O2 Inle t Trans duce r, five solenoid  valv es, five
flow  orifices, a n in let fi lter, an d a n acc um ul at or. Whe n a  breath is  in itiat ed, the tur bi ne dr a ws mix e d gas
from th e acc u mulator.  Filt er ed air is  draw n into t he accum ul ator thro ug h the fi lter.  Oxyg en is supp li ed
to  th e  accu mula to r throug h the  soleno ids and  o r ifices. Th e  co nt ro lle r   opens a n d clo s es the  valves a s
re qu ired  to  supply the  correct  amo u nt of oxy ge n to s atisfy t he O 2 setti ng a nd th e flow de mand.  Th e
signa l from th e  O2 inlet pr essure tr ansd ucer is us ed to com pe ns ate d deli v ere d O2 fo r O2  inlet pressure
variati ons.  S ur f aces  ex pose d to pat ie nt gas  are c on struct e d from c om patibl e pl astics, pl ated ste el, and
al uminu m.
Ther e is a ls o a n o ptio n al o xygen inl et p ort, w hic h all ows fo r low - flo w titratio n of ox yg en int o the  ga s
output of th is d evice.
Electronic Over view
The Vela ventilator electronic system is compris ed of sever al s ubsystems, each containing numerous
com po ne nts. T hese subsyste ms are the G UI System, th e Pow er System, the M ai n C ontroll er Syst em,
and the Exhalation and Flow  Deliv ery syst ems. Individual subsystems  ar e discussed in detail.
User interface module (UIM)
The UIM c o nsists of a 1 0.4- in ch, 800x6 00 ac tive matrix L C D wit h a n a na l og resistive t ou ch scr ee n
over la y, a back  light in verter, a set of m em br an e key pan els , an optic al  encod er, a nd a Co ntrol  PCB.
Software an d the to uc h scr ee n provide a set  of cont ext sen sitiv e soft keys. The m embra n e p an el
prov id es a set of hard ( perm a ne nt) key s for  de dicate d functio ns. Se lect in g  the function with a s oft key
an d adj usti ng the s etting u si n g the optical e n cod er  c ha ng es  a parameter.  The par am eter  is acc epted or
ca nceled b y  pr essing  th e  appro pr ia te  memb ra ne  key.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual   Theory of Op eration  19
(1  & 2 )
(7 )
(3  & 4)
RS232 (MIB )

F i g u re 1  -- User Interfac e D esig n  Mo dule Block Diagra m
The UIM perfor ms all ve ntilator  control functions,  gas c al cu l ations, mon itoring an d us er int erfac e
functi o ns. The  UIM us es a Gr ap hical  User  In terface  (GUI) vi a the activ e m a trix SVGA L CD  and res istive
touc h scr ee n to provide s yste m and pati ent i nform ati on to the  user  an d to  all ow the us er to modify
vent il ator settings. The Mo nit o r MCU ha nd les  all  us er  int erfa ce requ ire me nt s, incl u di ng up datin g the
active matrix liquid crystal  disp l ay (LCD), m o nitor in g th e me mbra n e key p a d, an al o g res ist ive to uc h
scre en, a n d o p t ical  en co der f o r activity. Th e  Monitor M CU a lso performs  all  the i np ut/o utput funct io ns of
the UIM, i nc lu d in g RS- 23 2, pri nter, vide o out put, and IE EE 10 73 M e dical I nform ati on B us  (MIB).
Com mu nic ati o n betw ee n the Co ntrol a nd M on itor M CU’s is acco mplis he d  via an 8 bit  du a l port S RAM.
Liquid Crystal Display
The l iq ui d cryst al dis pl ay (LCD) provid es g r a p hic al  an d dig ita l fee db ack to th e cli ni ci an. The  pane l is a
10.4 ” SVGA, 8 00x6 00 pixel, active matrix  LCD. The  LCD is  used to i mp lement the grap hi c al u ser
interf ac e (GUI) .  It provides all of the ad just ab l e controls a nd al arms, as well  as di sp lays wa veform s,
lo ops,  di gital mon itors  an d ala r m status in r e al tim e.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
20   Vela Ventilator s
Touch Screen
The touc h scr e en is a 1 0.4 ”  a na lo g res istive  over la y on a p i ece  of gl ass,  w hic h is  pl aced  over  an LCD
scre en. The touch s cre en an d the LCD toge ther pr ov id e a set of soft ware  conf ig urabl e s o ft keys. The
softw are en ab l es the key s to be c ontext sen sitiv e. The touc h scree n h as a reso lutio n of 1 02 4x 10 24.
Phys ically, th e  touc h scr ee n consists of tw o  op po si ng trans parent r esistive lay ers se p arat ed by
insul ati ng s pa c ers. To uchin g t he scre en bri n gs th e two op p osi ng layers int o el ectri ca l con t act. The Y
coor di n ate is  d eterm in ed by a pp lyi ng a vo lta ge from to p to  botto m on the t op resistive  layer. This
creat es a volt a ge gradi ent across th is layer.  The poi nt of c o ntact form s a v olta g e di vi der,  which i s re ad
by th e ana lo g-t o-dig ital c o nver ter. The X c oordi nate is d eter min ed by a p ply in g a v olta g e from l eft to
rig ht on t he bottom res istive l a yer. Ag ai n this  creat es a  v olt a ge gradi ent and  the po int of cont act forms a
divid er, w hic h i s rea d w ith a n  an al og-to- di git al converter.
Membrane Panel
The mem bra ne  pane l provide s  a set of p erm a ne nt d ed icated  keys, w hic h ena bl e control o f  venti lat or
functi o ns. The  mem bra n e p an el a ls o pr ovide s visu al  displ ay  usi ng emb e dd ed lig ht em ittin g di o des
(LED s). The m embra ne pa n el  cons ists of me mbra n e sw itch es, w hic h are r ea d by t he m o nitor  CPU. T he
switc hes f orm a matri x of ro w s and co lu mns.  A key clos ure causes an int er r upt to th e mon itor CP U,
which r es po nd s by scan ni ng the k ey matrix t o d eterm in e whic h ke y has bee n pr essed.
Light Emitting Diodes (Leds)
Som e of th e membra ne k eys requir e LED’ s to indi cate w he n the key i s act ive. The LED’ s are
emb e dd ed int o  the me mbra ne  pane ls.
Optical Encoder
The optic al  en c od er a ll ows s et t ings to b e mo dified. The setti ng is select ed by pr essin g a s oft key o n th e
LCD and th e n mod ifi ed by turni ng th e optic al  enc od er (data dial) to c ha n ge  the va lu e. When th e
enco der i s rota ted two puls e st reams  ar e gen erat ed, p h ase A an d B. Wh en  the enc od er is turned
cloc kwise,  phase  A le ad s B  by 9 0  de gr ee s.  When  th e d ire ction  is coun te r  cloc kwise,  phase  B le ad s A
by 9 0 d egre es.  The e lectro nic s use s the  ph a se i nform ati on to driv e an u p- do wn co unter, which i s re ad
by th e mo nit or  CPU. The optic al e nc od er is  n ot int errupt-dr iv en an d therefor e must  be po ll e d by the
monitor CPU.
Back Light Inverter
The back li ght i nverter co nv ert s 5 VDC int o th e hig h freq u en cy AC v olta g e nec essary to  p ow er the LC D
back light, whic h is u se d to illuminate the LCD.
Power System
The Pow er Sys t em cond iti ons  an d co ntrols e l ectric al  en ergy from th e AC lin e in p ut an d the  inter na l
battery. When  en ergy is a va il ab le fro m th e AC li ne, the ventilator o perat es from this s o urce, an d als o
rech ar ges t he i nter na l b attery.  Whe n AC l in e  po wer is n ot av ail a bl e, the po wer system draws energy
from th e int ern al battery. T he po wer s ystem  uses e nergy ef ficie nt DC-to-D C conv erter techn ol og y to
convert e n erg y  from the AC li ne or battery to  appropri ate v o ltag es an d cur r ents to su pp ly  po wer t o
vent il ator compon ents  an d sys tems.
Main Controller System
The Mai n C ontroller Sy stem is com pris ed of three Pre ssur e  Trans ducers,  an A na lo g-t o-Digit al
Conv erter, tw o Dig ita l-to-A n al og Conv erters, the In put-Output Processor,  Solen oi d V alv e s, an d the
Watchd og  and  Ha rd ware  Fault Monito rs.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual   Theory of Op eration  21
One  of the pressur e tran sd uc ers me as ur es the  patie nt  circu it pressure. Thi s pres sure is  an input to the
contr ol ler. A  dif f erentia l pr essure tr ansd ucer measur es th e  pres sure across the tur bi ne. T his  pres sure is
also a n i np ut to the co ntroll er. A secon d d ifferential  pressur e  transducer is  used to m ea su r e the fl o w at
the o utl et of th e ex ha lat io n valve. Th is pr essure is al so an inp ut to the co n t roller.
Analo g to di git al c onverter s a r e us ed to cha ng e th e ana lo g  press ur e si gn als i nto m e asur ed bi nary
num eri c valu es  for use  by th e  micropr oc ess o r  in th e co ntroll er.
Digita l to A na lo g conv erters ar e us ed to chan ge th e bin ary  n umeric comma nds  ge n erat ed by th e
micropro ce ssor in  the  con t rolle r  in to  analog   si g na ls whic h dr ive th e tur bi n e  and ex ha lat io n  valv e.
The Input-Output Processor is a sma ll mi croc ontroll er  w hi ch,  under s oftwar e co ntrol, pe rfo r ms sever al
repetitiv e tas ks  such as generating the refr es h  signals for the display system, cycling t he A-to-D
convert ers thr o ug h a pattern  o f  meas ureme nt s from the  multipl e si g na l sour ces, and s ca nn in g the
contr ol  panel for pressed buttons. Suc h repetitive ta sks are  ther eby  off loaded from t he M ain Process or.
Solen oi d V alv e s and Va lv e Dri vers (i nclu di ng the A uto Zero  valv es) are empl oyed o n th e  Circuit
Pressur e tran s ducer an d o n the Tu rb in e Diff erenti al Pr essu re Transd uc er. These va lv es a llo w the
contr ol ler software to c om p en sate for  lo ng te rm drift and te mper at ure i n du ced z er o shift in the pressure
trans du cers  by  peri o dical ly rechecki ng the z ero  pressur e re ad in gs. Sim il ar  sol en oi d valv e s are
emp lo ye d i n th e Oxyg e n Bl en di ng System. T he v alv e driv er s for the A uto  Zero  an d Blen der v alv es are
The Mai n Pro c essor is a 38 6- type  CPU  whic h co ntrols a ll ventilat or fu nctio ns. All us er sett ings for
al arms, contr ol s, ventilat io n mod e, waveform , and m o nitori e d d ata ar e sto r ed here and ar e combi n ed
with me asur e d pres sure, flo w, an d sp e ed data to ca us e the ventil ator to function. The alg orithms,
formula e, a nd contr ol functio n s whi ch  defin e  vent il ator be ha vior are c ontai ne d i n the soft ware pr ogram
execut ed by th e CP U.
The Watchdog Timer and Hardware Fault
Monitors sh ut do wn the v entil ator if a m alf u n cito n is d ete cted. The W atchd og Tim er c on si sts of two
timers  an d a P AL co ntain in g  a state mac hi n e. The Ma i n C ontroll er C PU  must co mmun i cate with  a state
machi ne at int e rvals  withi n a ti me w in do w set  by the t wo tim ers. The CP U must obta in  a key from the
PAL  an d se n d the correct  ad d r ess a n d d ata resp o nse ba ck to the st ate ma chine at each i nterv al. If the
resp o nse is inc orrect, or com e s at an  inval id t ime, the Watc h do g shuts d o w n the CPU  an d  forces th e
vent il ator har d ware to a s afe  state. The Har dw are F au lt Monitors che ck the status  of th e pow er su p pli es
to the v entil ator electornics. If any  is out of the sa f e oper ati o ng range, the v enti lat or w ill s h ut down and
ca nnot b e made  to  oper at e  until the fa ult is co rrected .
Exhalation System
The electrical portion of the ex halation system is  com prised of the Exhalat i on V alv e Dr iv er Circuitry.
The dr iv er co n verts the low volta g e si gn al  o utp ut by a  D-to-A co nvert er i nto a controll e d c onst ant
curre nt w hic h energizes the l in ear s ol en oi d p ositi o ner i n th e  exhal ati on v al v e.
Flow Delivery System
The ele ctrical portion of the flo w d eliv ery s ystem is c om pris e d of a 3 Ph as e  Brus hl ess Mot or Dri ver, a n d
an O ptic al S pe ed Tr ansd ucer.
The 3 Phas e Br ushle ss D C M otor Driv er co n verts the low volta g e si gn al  o utp ut by a  D-to-A co nvert er
into t hre e co ntr oll e d curr ents  which  en er gize  the thr ee m oto r ph ases a nd c ause the motor  to creat e a
torq ue, r esu lti n g in motor r otat io n. The to rq ue  generated is a  function of curr ent, and theref ore of the
contr ol v olt ag e  from th e D-to- A con vert er. The s pe e d of rotatio n is m o nitor ed by th e optic al S pe ed
Transd ucer. Th e transd uc er outp uts a tra in  o f  puls es with  a  freq ue ncy  prop ortion al to the r otation al
spee d of th e motor. Th is p uls e trai n is  a co nt rol fe ed b ack in put to th e controll er.
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22   Vela Ventilator s
Oxygen Blending System
The electrical portion of the optional  oxygen bl ending system is made  up of a saf ety solenoid, a
pres sure re g ul ator s et to 40 PSI, an O2 Inlet  Transdu ce r, five Solen o id   Valves, on e  Nebu lize r so le no id ,
an d the dri ver  circu itry for the  sol en oi d valv e s.
The Oxyge n In l et Pressure Trans d ucer me a sures the  inco ming g as pressure s o th at O2 de liv ery c an be
com pe ns ate d for in let pres sure fluct uatio ns.
The Sol en oi d  Valv es are en e r gized an d de e nergize d und er  softwar e control b y the M ai n  contr ol ler to
suppl y the corr ect am ou nt of  oxyge n to s atis f y the curr e nt O2 setti ng an d  curre nt gas flo w d eman d.
The dr iv er circuitry tra nsl ates the bin ary lo gic sig na ls pres en ted b y the co ntroll er to lar ger voltag e and
cu rren t s su itab le  fo r en ergizing  th e So leno id   Valves.

L1534  Revision B  December 2004

Chapter 3  Disassembly & Assembly
General Instructions and Warnings
When p erform i ng th e proc ed u r es in this ch ap ter,  re fe r to th e Ve la  wiring  and  tu bing  diag rams.
Refere nc e co pi es of th es e are  loc ate d in Ap p en dix B  of this manu al. E nsure that y ou foll o w the se safety
warn in gs and  precau tio n s:

F i g u re 3.1 Battery Dis co n n ect Molex Co nnector
Always disc o n nect th e mai n power c a bl e be f ore r emovi ng the instr ument  cover a nd disc on ne ct the 
battery o nce th e top c ov er  and batte ry tray ha ve   been re moved to  p r even t  in ju ry  an d/ or   da mage to  the
VELA V e ntilator  System (s ee fig ure  3.1).

Th e Ve la  con t ains ESD suscep tible  componen ts. Ensu re  you  a r e p r op er ly g r ou nded  bef or e perfo r ming
any s erv ice  or  mainte na nc e pr oced ures  a nd store E SD sus ceptib le  el ectri cal com po ne nt s in a n a nti-static bag to prevent da mage to the component.

When the batteries are disconne cted, the system  will automatica ll y re-set the battery status memory and will
initiate an 18-ho ur re-charge cycle upon re-connect.  During th is p eriod, the red DC status light will  remain on.
 If the DC status light remains lit  after the initial c harging period has expired, cont act VIASYS tech support as
described in Appendix A for a replacement battery.
Do not cut the main harness tie wraps since the  entire harness is regarded as on e component.
The terms left and right refer to a view from the front of the unit looking towards the rear.
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Required Tools
Lo ng & sh ort P hil ip s screw drivers
Flat bla de d scr ewdriver
¼” Nut  Dirver
5/ 16” Nu t Driver
7/8” N ut Dri ver
11/32 ” Nut Dr iv er
Digital Volt Meter
Tack  p ul ler or Ne ed le no se d pli ers
Diagona l cu tte rs
1 ” a nd ¾ ”  o pe n  ende d wr en ch es

Disassembly and Reas sembly Procedures
To perform a complet e d isa ss emb ly of the unit, fol lo w al l of the ste ps i n e a ch  rem oval section, in the
order pres ente d in t his c ha pte r. To reas sem b le th e unit, fol lo w al l of the ste ps i n e ach inst all ati on
section, st arting with the last co mpon en t and  finishing  with th e power ca ble insta l la tion  instru ctions.
Power Cab le

Figure 3 . 2   P ow er Ca ble Connect or w ith Guard
1.  Rem ov e th e (2)Phi lli ps pa n- h ea d scr ews  in the to p porti on of the po wer c ab le  gu ard at the r ear of
the u nit (s ee fi gure 3.2)
2.   Remove  the  gua rd   an d unplug th e power ca ble.
1.  Plug th e pow er  cab le i nto the rear  of the un it.
2.  Instal l the pow er ca bl e gua r d  with t he (2) Ph i lli ps p a n-h ea d  scre ws i n the t op porti o n.
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Top Cover Part number 15893
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le.
2.   Remove  the  (3) Ph illip s pan -hea d scre ws  in  th e  up per  rea r  o f  th e fron t pane l (if p r es ent ).
3.  Rem ov e th e (4) Phil li ps p a n-h ea d scr ews  in the back pan el.
4.  Rem ov e th e (3) screw s from t he botto m of each s id e of th e  vent il ator (if pr esent).
The configuration of the screws securing the cover will  depend on the model of Vela that you are working with.
5.  When all screws have been removed, slide the top cover towards t he rear  of  the unit and lift  off.
The SVGA outp ut ribbon cable lies directly bene ath the top co ver assembly running from the front  of the Vela to
the rear.  It can  be damaged if care is not taken  when removing the cover.  Make sure that the cover clears this
cable before slid ing it back.
1.  Instal l the top c over by sl id in g  it tow ard th e front of th e unit,  over the s id e r ail s, an d sna p i nto p la ce.
2.  Instal l the (4) P hil li ps p a n-h ea d screws i n th e  back pa n el.
3.  Do not  re -install the  (3 ) Ph illips p a n- head scre ws in  the  upper rea r  o f  the  front  pan el if p r esent.
Th ey  hav e been re move d from la te r ve rsions o f  th e Ve la .
4.  Instal l the pow er ca bl e.

Cover mo unting s c rews
on re ar of ins tr um ent
F i g u re 3.3  Cov e r  As sembl y fro m the rear
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Battery Tray Part Number 10633
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le  an d t op c ov er.
2.  Rem ov e th e (4) Phil li ps p a n-h ea d scr ews  in the battery tray.
3.  Lift the  battery  tray out of the  un it.
4.  Disc on n ect th e  batter ies fr om the w hit e Mo le x DC p ow er c o nn ector (s e e fi gure 3.4

F i g u re 3.4  L arg e  w hite Mo lex b atter y d i sco n n ect
To rele ase c o n nect or, push in  lock in g tabs
To attac h p us h  unti l lo cking ta bs e ng a ge.
When the batteries are disconne cted, the system  will automatica ll y re-set the battery status memory and will
initiate an 18-ho ur re-charge cycle upon re-connect.  During th is p eriod, the red DC status light will  remain on.
If the DC status light remains lit after the initial ch arging period has expired, conta ct VIASYS tech  support as
described in Appendix A for a replacement battery.
1.  Conn ect the white M ol ex  DC po wer c o nn ector.
2.  Ensure the M ol ex co n nect or is pus he d do wn i nto th e unit be hi nd th e muffler  tube s and ins t all th e
battery tray. The tray is c orr ec tly inst al le d wh en th e wire s run tow ar ds the rear of the un it.
3.  Secure the battery tray to t he l eft & rig ht pa nels with (4 )   Phillips pa n- head scre ws.
4.  Instal l the top c over an d r e-conn ect th e pow e r cab le  an d the  power c ab le  g uard.
Battery Tray Parts List
Item  Part number   Des c ription  Qty U M
1  21363  Tray, battery  1  Ea
2  52000-0019 0  Grommet 11/16 id  0  Ea
3  21543  Battery 12v, 2.7 Ahr, ni-m h  4  Ea
4  15719  Cable assy, battery tray  1  Ea
5   2 0 7 42   Bracket,  capac i t o r   2   E a
6  21068  Foam pa d, capacito r  bracket  2  Ea
7  64084  Cap a cito r ele c t 0.1f 63vdc  1  Ea
8  04383  Washe r , lock  int #6  4  Ea
9  07212  Nut, 6-32 x .0 93 depth  8  Ea
1 0   0 5 0 38   Ti e ,  s t r a p   4   Ea
11  08231  Mounting b r ac ket, cable tie    2  Ea
1 2   0 7 8 03   Cable  t i e   2   E a
14  09349x  Tape, adh-2 s,2" x .045"  0  Ft
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F i g u re 3.5  Batter y T ra y a n d  large cap acitor asse mbly
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28   Vela Ventilator s
The PCMCIA c ard is lo cated insi de the un it.  It conta ins the Vela soft ware.

Card re le as e
butto n
F i g u re 3.6  PCMCI A Card  in p l ace
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, an d batt ery tray.
2.  Push in t he button u n der the card to rel e ase.  (see fig ure  3.6)
3.  Gentl y slid e the car d o ut of it s socket.
Install ation
1.  Sli de th e card  i nto th e so cket i n the  dir ecti on of the arro w pri nte d on the car d.
2.  Click car d i nto  pl ace.
3.  Instal l the batte ry tray, top c ov er, an d po wer  cable.
Left Panel
The l eft pa n el i s structur al  on l y and has no c ompo ne nts att ach e d to it.
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, an d batt ery tray.
2.  Rem ov e th e (2) Phil li ps c ou nt ersi nk scr ews at the rear of th e pan el.
3.  Rem ov e th e (1) Phil li ps c ou nt ersi nk scr ew in  the upp er fro nt  of the p a ne l.
4.  Lift o ut the left pa ne l.
1.  Sli de th e fro nt  of the l eft pan e l behi n d the  li p on th e fro nt p a ne l a nd ali g n the back of th e pan el  with
the  re ar pa ne l ed ge.
2.  Instal l the (2) P hil li ps c ou nters ink scr e ws i n the r ear of the r i ght p a ne l.
3.  Instal l the (1)  Philli ps c ou nter sink s cre w in the  up per fr ont of the ri g ht pa n el.
4.  Instal l the batte ry tray, top c ov er, an d po wer  cable.
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Right Panel Containing the Power PCB P/N 15894
The internal battery fuse is lo cated on the power PCB. Call Viasys if this fuse nee ds replacing.
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, an d batt ery tray.
2.  Rem ov e th e (2) Phil li ps c ou nt ersi nk scr ews from the right si de of the r ear p an el.
3.  Rem ov e th e (1) Phil li ps c ou nt ersi nk scr ew in  the upp er fro nt  of the ri ght pa ne l.
4.  Rem ov e th e (1) Phil li ps p a n-h ea d scr ew i n th e low er ce nter  of the ri g ht pa n el.
5.  Gentl y lift o ut the  pa ne l a nd the po wer PCB.  Lay th e pa ne l flat and m ak e the fo ll owin g
discon ne ctions:

Ref on Pwr
Conn ector Des c  Conn ection made
Cable Assy
J1  26-pin ribbon cable  to J2 on main PCB  P/N 15494
J2  3-pin  to fan assembly 
J5  14-pin  to J5 on main PCB (in main harness) 
J6  10-pin  to P2 on turbine motor driver PCB 
J7  small 2-pin  to main power switch 
J300  large 2-pin  to battery DC po wer (in main harness) 
J400  4-pin quick disconnect  to SVGA PCB 
P1-L/N  AC line in   to power (black-power, white-ne utral)  P/N 15890
    to ground lug (ground) 
Do NOT re move the connector from J4 of the power PCB.
Make the f oll o win g con n ecti o ns to th e Po w e r PCB.
Ref on Pwr
Conn ector Des c  Conn ection made
Cable Assy
J1  26-pin ribbon cable  from J2 on main PCB  P/N 15494
J2  3-pin  from fan assembly 
J5  14-pin  from J5 on main PCB (in main harness) 
J6  10-pin  from P2 on turbi ne motor driver  PCB 
J7  small 2-pin  from main power switch 
J300  large 2-pin  from battery DC  power (in main harness) 
J400  4-pin quick disconnect  from SVGA PCB 
P1-L/N  AC line in   to power (black-power, white-ne utral)  P/N 15890
    from ground lug  (ground) 
Ensure that the  power c ab le s are corr ectly con ne cte d to prevent i nj ury a n d/or d am a ge to  the unit.
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30   Vela Ventilator s
Ensure that J 5 is pi n ne d pr op erly s inc e an i n corre ct co nn ec tion c o ul d dam ag e th e pow er  PCB.
6.  Sli de th e rig ht pa ne l i nto th e front pa ne l, en s uri ng th at it res t s on th e botto m rail.
7.  Instal l the (1) P hil li ps p a n-h ea d screw i n th e l ow er ce nter  of the p a ne l.
8.  Instal l the (1) P hil li ps c ou nters ink  screw in the  uppe r fron t o f  th e pane l.
9.  Instal l the (2) P hil li ps c ou nters ink scr e ws i n the sid e of th e r ear pa ne l.
10.  Instal l the batte ry tray, top c ov er, an d po wer  cable.
The Vela right panel assembly with the power board attached is supplied as a sin gle complete assembly part
number 15894.   Do not attempt to disassemble o r  to replace individual component s.
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Figure 3 . 7  Ri ght Panel and Po w er PCB
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32   Vela Ventilator s
Front Panel Part  number  15869
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, battery tr ay, right p a ne l , and left p an el .
2.  Disc on n ect th e  foll owin g from  the mai n PCB:
JP2   40-pi n ribb o n c ab le   to JP1  on th e  SVGA o ut PCB
J301   12-pi n   to  J3 01 on th e blen der PCB  P/N  1 54 97
Disconnect the video cable from JP2 on the main  PC B rather than  from JP1 on the SVGA out PCB.
3.  Disc on n ect th e  gre en oxyge n  ne bu liz er tu be.
4.  Rem ov e th e (2) Phil li ps p a n-h ea d scr ews  be hi nd th e fro nt p an el  at the l o w er left a n d ri ght.
5.  Disc on n ect th e  1/8 ” si lic on e tube # 4 from P2  an d #5 from P 1 o n the  ex ha l atio n d ifferential
trans du cer,  an d #1 from th e t urb in e.
6.  Disc on n ect th e  1/16 ” s il ico n e tub es from t he common (fr ont) ports of th e tur bi ne outlet a ut o-zer o
solen oi d (to the ma in tu bi n g har ne ss), the turbin e i nl et aut o-zer o s ol en oi d (to the tur bi n e), and the
air way pressur e a uto-z er o so l en oi d (Nafi an tub e to th e ex h al atio n v alv e recept acle).
7.  Disc on n ect th e  foll owin g from  the mai n PCB:
J4   8-pin   to J1 o n th e FIO2 mo nit ori ng PCB
J900   2-pin    (al arm l ou d ness) to al arm  potentiom eter
J701   5-pin   to turb in e optic  enc od er an d therm istor
J4 01  4- pin  to  e x ha la tion  valve
U719   fib er op tic  to  re ar pa ne l co nn ecto r
J5  14- pi n  to  J5 on power  PCB
J3 02  2- pin  to  in sp ira t or y ho ld  soleno id   on  ma nifold  base
J2  26- pi n  to  J1 on power  PCB  P/N 1549 4
J9 05  3- pin  to  J2 on remote  a l ar m (nur se   ca ll) PCB
AL901  (h ar d- wired )   2- pr on g  to  a l ar m ca ble  co nnector
1.  Conn ect the gree n ox yg en ne bu liz er tu be.
2.  Conn ect the fol lowin g to t he m ai n PCB:
J401   4-pin   from ex ha lat io n valve
J701   5-pin   from tur bi ne op tic en co der an d thermistor
U719   fib er op tic  fro m rea r  pane l co nn ecto r
J5   14-pi n   from  J5 on power P CB
J2   26-pi n   from J1  on po wer PCB   P/N 154 94
J905   3-pin   from J2  on rem ote a lar m (nurse call) P CB
3.  Sli de th e fro nt  pa ne l i nto p la c e and s ec ure the (2)   Phill ips  panh ea d scr e ws beh in d th e front pa ne l
at the l o wer l eft  and rig ht.
4.  Conn ect the fol lowin g to t he m ai n PCB:
J302   2-pin   from in sp irator y ho ld s ol en oi d  on man ifol d b ase
J4   8-pin   from J1  on the FIO2 mon itor in g PCB
J301   12-pi n   from J3 01 o n the  bl en der PCB  P/N 154 97
AL901  (h ar d- wired )   2- pr on g  fro m a l ar m cable  conn ecto r
J900   2-pin    al arm l ou dn ess  cab le fro m al a r m potentiom et er
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5.  Conn ect the 1/16 ” s ili co ne tub es to the co m mon (fr ont)  ports of the turbi n e outlet  auto-zero
so le no id  (from the ma in  tu bing  harness), the tu rb ine in let a uto-z er o sol e n oi d (from the turbi ne),  an d
the a irw ay pres sure  auto-zero  solen oi d (Nafi a n tub e from the  exh al ati on v al ve rec e ptac le).
6.  Conn ect the 1/8 ” silic on e tu be  # 4 to P2 a n d # 5 to P1  o n the  exhal ati on diffe renti al tr ansd u cer, a nd
#1 to the turbine.
7.  Conn ect the fol lowin g to t he m ai n PCB:
JP2   40-pi n ribb o n c ab le   from JP 1 on th e SVGA out P CB
Ensure that the fiber optic cable runs under the turbine muffler, that the tubing runs over the nebulizer line and is not
pinched in betw een the front and base panels, a nd that the cabl e  from J701 is se curely connecte d to the turbine.
Parts List – Front Panel Part Number 15869
Item  Part Number  Part Description  Qty  U/M
1  21374  PANEL, FRONT  1  EA
2  52130  PCBA, MAIN  1  EA
3  53002-16206  SCREW, 6-32 X  3/8 STL  ZN PL T  PPH  PNH  12  EA*
4  52000  PCBA, VELA VI DEO (SVG A PCB)  1  EA
5  15532  IC, PAL, PROGRAMMED  1  EA
11  21368  BEZEL, DISPLAY  1  EA
12  80435  SWITCH,  MEM BRANE  1  EA
15  44027  NUT, 4- 40,LOCKING, HEX, STEEL  2  EA*
16  71046  NUT, 1/4- 28, E-KEPS  1  EA*
21  66100  TOUCHSCREE N, 10.4" RESISTIVE"  1  EA
23  52000-01177  TAPE FOAM .025 THK .31 WIDE  TWO SIDE D  0  RL*
25  56060-30011  OPTICAL  ENCODER  1  EA
26  52000-00475  NUT  HEX  1  EA*
27  53027-13802  WASHER, LOCK 3/8  1  EA*
28  20415  CONN, FTG 1/8 TUBE TAPER  1  EA
33  21560  KNOB,  SPINNER-1.50  1  EA
34  53002-46204  SCR 6-32X1/4 SS PPH PNH  4  EA*
35  10632  TUBING ASSY, 1/8 X 1/16  3  EA
* Commonly found hardware ite ms are not supplied by VIASYS  Healthcare.
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34   Vela Ventilator s

Figure 3 . 8 Fro n t pa nel  w ith  main PCB
Main PCB (on Front Panel) P/N 52130
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, battery tr ay, right p a ne l , left pa ne l, an d front pa ne l.
2.  Disc on n ect th e  foll owin g from  the mai n PCB:
J801   20-pi n   to J8 01 on th e  flow se nsor PC B (in  harne ss)
J1 210  5- pin (g ray top,  g r ee n)   to  th e flow senso r  PCB (in  P/N 1596 1  har ness)
J3   10-pi n   to the fl ow s e n sor PCB (in  P/N 159 61 harn e ss)
J1 211  5- pin (b lu e  wire-top )  to  th e SVGA PCB
J1   5-pin ( ora n ge wire)   to SVGA P CB  (pos iti on wire o n 2
  pi n from r ig ht)
J1  5-pin (gray-left)  to SVGA P CB
J6 01  5- pin  to  SVGA PCB
3.  Lo os en (7) Ph il lip s pan-he a d s crew s o n the m ai n PCB.
4.  Lift the main PCB out of the front panel.
1.  Posit io n th e mai n PCB onto the st an doffs in  the fro nt p an el.
2.  Tight en (7) Phil lip s pan-he a d s crew s o n the m ai n PCB.
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3.  Conn ect the fol lowin g to t he m ai n PCB:
J801   20-pi n   from J8 01 o n the flow s e nsor  PCB (in har ness)
J1 210  5- pin (g ray top,  g r ee n)   fro m the  flow se ns or  PCB (in  P/N 1596 1  har nes s)
J3   10-pi n   from th e flo w s ensor P CB (in  P/N 159 61 harness)
J1 211  5- pin (b lu e  wire-top )  fro m the  SVGA PCB
J1   5-pin ( ora n ge wire)   from SVGA P C B (po siti on wire o n 2
  pin from right)
J1  5-pin (gray-left)  from SVGA P C B
J6 01  5- pin  fro m SVGA PCB
The J1 position  on the main PCB is lo cated abo ve the J601 con nector and acce pts two 5-pin connectors; the
connector with one wire above the  connector with three wires.
4.  Instal l the front pane l, left p an el, right p a ne l, batter y tray, to p cov er, and p ow er ca bl e.
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Figure 3 . 9 Fro n t Pa nel  w i ri ng  dia g ra m
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Flow Sensor PCB assembly P/N 15991

Figure  3. 10  Flow  Se nsor PCB  as sembl y
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, battery tr ay, right panel, left panel, fron t p anel, an d  main  PCB.
2.   Disconnect the (2 ) 1 / 16” ID tub es to  th e ma in  tu bing  harn ess.
3.  Disc on n ect th e  foll owin g from  the fl ow s en sor  PCB:
J1   6-pin ( gre y)   to mai n P CB   P/N 159 61
4.  Rem ov e th e (2) 1/4 ” n uts o n t he fl ow s e nsor  PCB.
5.  Lift off the flow sensor PCB.
1.  Posit io n th e flo w sens or PCB  onto the two stan doffs.
2.  Instal l the (2)  1 / 4”  nuts  on the flow se nsor PC B.
3.  Conn ect the fol lowin g to t he fl ow s en sor P C B:
J1   6-pin ( gre y)   from th e ma in  PCB   P/N 159 61
4.  Conn ect the (2) 1/16” I D tub e s from the  mai n tub in g h ar ne ss, # 2 and #3 ( with a black  li n e o n it).
5.  Instal l the ma in  PCB, front  pa ne l, left p an el,  ri g ht pa n el, bat t ery tray, to p cover,  an d pow er ca bl e.
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Exhalation Valve Assembly P/N 15871

Dryer tube
Figure 3 . 11  Exhala tion Va l ve  Asse mbly
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, battery tr ay, right p a ne l , left pa ne l, an d front pa ne l.
2.  Disc on n ect th e  foll owin g from  the FIO2 mon it ori ng P CB:
J2   2-pin (cle ar co nn.)  to oxyge n s ensor
J3  2- pin (b lu e conn.)  to  o xyg en  in le t so le no id  on blen de r a s se mbly
J4   2-pin (red c o nn .)  to ne b uli zer s ol en oi d assem bl y on  up per r e ar  of bl en der
3.  Rem ov e (2 P hi lli ps p a n-h ea d  scre ws on th e valve cover.
4.  Lift o ut the  exhal atio n v alv e assem bly.
1.  Ensure the dryer tub e is s ec u rely  attac he d to the  ni pp le  on  the ex h al atio n  valv e assembl y.
2.  Seat th e valv e  onto the st an d offs, with t he P CB towar ds the insi de of the un it.
3.  Instal l the va lv e cov er u si ng (2)   Philli ps pa nh ea d scr ews.
4.  Conn ect the fol lowin g to t he FI O2 monit ori ng PCB:
J2   2-pin (cle ar co nn.)  from oxyg en s ensor
J3   2-pin ( bl ue c o n n.)  from oxyg en inl et sol e no id  on bl en der assem bly
J4   2-pin (red c o nn .)  from n eb ul ize r sol en oi d a ssembly  on up p er  rear  of bl e nd er
5.  Instal l the front pane l, left p an el, right p a ne l, batter y tray, to p cov er, and p ow er ca bl e.
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Inspirator y Hold Solenoid and Check Valve Assembly P/N 11382
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, battery tr ay, a nd
le ft pa ne l.
2.   If th e front  panel is  in stal led,  d iscon ne ct the cable from
J302 on the main PCB.
3.  Rem ov e (2) Ph ill ips  pa n- he ad scre ws and lift out the
so le no id .
4.  Lift o ut the s pri ng an d ch eck v alv e as sem bl y.

              Fi gure 3.12 Inspiratory Hold Solen o id


F i g u re 3.13 Umbrella check   val ve  (P/N 21 950)

1.  Plac e the sp ri n g (P/N 2 1 97 1) i nto th e ce nter  of the c he ck va lve (P/ N 2 19 50 ) .
2.  Sli p the sol e no i d over th e spr i ng using the g ui de an d se at into p la ce.
3.  Instal l (2) P hi ll i ps pan-h ea d s crew s.
4.   If th e front  panel is  in stal led,  conn ect the cable from J302  on the main  PCB.
5.  Install the left panel, battery  tr ay, top cov er, an d pow er c ab l e.
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Manifold Base assembly

Replace three  o-r i ngs
Nut se cu ri ng  O2
s ensorl
F i g u re 3.14    Man i fo ld b ase assembly  (ea rly   mod el Vela u n i ts o n l y) , 
bottom  panel  & O2 hose removed

O2 s ensor pl ac ed
horiz on tal ly  for  ea s y
access from re ar   of
v entil ator
F i g u re 3.15    Man i fo ld Base  asse mbly   show ing  ho rizontal O2 cell for  eas y  re moval.
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1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, an d
battery tray.
2.  Carefu lly tur n t he un it ont o its  side.
3.  Rem ov e (2) Ph ill ips c o untersink screws t hat
hold the safety  check valve  gua rd , and  re move
the g u ard.
4.  Rem ov e (4) r u bb er fe et.
5.  If the left panel  is inst al led, remov e (3) Phi lli ps
pa n-he ad sc re ws o n th e  left side of the bottom
pa ne l, and if th e front  pa ne l is insta ll ed,
remo ve (2) Ph il lip s pan-he a d s crew s at th e
front of th e bott om p an el.
F i g u re 3.15 Remo val of  saf et y ch eck  val ve gu ard
6.  Rem ov e (7) Ph ill ips  pa n- he ad scre ws on th e outsid e of th e  botto m pan el.
7.  Gentl y rem ov e the bottom  pa n el.
8.   Remove  the  thre e visib l e o - ring s fro m the   un der side  o f  the   un it, p ar t nu mber  3001 8,   30023  and
04 35 8s ee fi g ur e 3.X.
9.  Pull off the  oxyge n d iffus er tube from th e nip pl e a nd rem ov e it from th e ch an ne l b as e, se e fig ure

F i g u re 3.16 Remo vi n g  the  O2 di ffuser tube
1.  Carefu lly tur n t he un it up si de do wn.
2.  Attach the curv ed porti o n of th e oxy g en diffus er tub e to th e  n ip pl e a nd push  into  pl ac e. Plac e the
rema in in g porti on of the tu b e i nsi de the c ha n ne l b ase in th e  un dersi de of th e unit.
3.  Insert th e thr ee  o-rin gs-  int o th e und ersi d e of  the u nit, n oti ng  that e ach o-rin g h as a differ e nt sh ap e.
4.  Ensure that a ll  thre e o-r in gs are in  pl ac e and positi on th e bot t om p an el  over  the thr ee sc re w hol es
at the front.
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42   Vela Ventilator s
5.  Instal l (7)  P hi lli ps p an h ea d screws  on the bo ttom pa n el.
6.  If the left p an el  is inst al le d, in s t all (3) Ph il li ps pa n-he ad sc re ws o n th e left sid e of th e botto m pa ne l,
an d if the front  pa ne l is i nst all ed, i nstall ( 2) Phil li ps p a n-h ea d screws  at the front of th e bot t om
pa ne l.
7.  Install (4) r ubber feet.
8.  Instal l the saf ety check va lv e gu ard with (2)   Philli ps c ou nter sink s cre ws.
9.  With the unit upright, install the battery tra y, top c ov er, an d  po wer c a bl e.
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Oxygen Sensor part  number 15972
For early model Vela units do the following:
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, battery tr ay, left pa ne l, an d bottom  pa ne l.
2.  Turn th e unit  o n its si de.
3.  Rem ov e th e 1”  mou nti ng nut f r om the ma nif o ld b as e (se e fi g ure  3.14) a nd p ull t he s en sor fr om the
To rem ov e the  O2 sens or only  wh en c om pl ete di sassembl y is n ot req uir e d,  simp ly gr as p the s en sor in
pl ace  an d unsc rew fro m the r e tain in g nut l eavin g the nut i n p l ace  in th e bas e .
1.  Ensure the o-ring is in stalle d i nto th e ox yg en  sen or.
2.  With the unit on its si de, pl ac e the s e nsor  in to the m an ifo ld  and install the 1” mo u ntin g n u t.
3.  Install the bottom panel, left panel, ba ttery tr ay, top cov er, an d pow er c ab l e.
For later model Vela units (usually  1400 series or later) do the following:
On the  bottom  rear  of the V el a, un scre w th e  EMI shi el d con t ainin g th e foa m amb ie nt a ir filter  an d lift out
the s hi el d a nd filter to g eth er.
The O2 se nsor  is visi bl e on th e left .  Usi n g nee dl e n os e pl ie rs, disc on n ect the O 2 filter c o n nect or. Pu ll
firmly straight back on th e O2 sensor to remove.
Seat th e  ne w O2 filter  an d r e -con n ect.
Repl ac e the E MI shi el d containi n g the f oam  amb ie nt a ir filte r  and re- attac h  the scr ews sec uri ng it i n
pl ace.
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Rear Panel part number 15892
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, battery tray, right p a ne l , and left p an el .
2.  With the unit upri ght, disc on n ect the f oll o wi n g from the tur bi ne m otor driver  PCB:
P2  10-pi n   to mai n P CB and po wer PCB  via m ai n h arn e ss
3.  Cut the two ti e  wraps that hol d  the ma in  ha rn ess a n d the tie  wrap th at ho ld s  the ble nd er c a bl e to
the tur bi ne.
4.  Turn th e unit  o n its si de.
5.  Rem ov e (3) Ph ill ips  pa n- he ad scre ws on th e rear pa ne l.
6.  Sli de th e fiber optic cabl e fro m unde r the tur bi ne m uffler  as sem bly.
7.  Rem ov e th e rear pan el fr om the man ifo ld  ba se.
1.  Carefu lly  pl ace the unit on its  side a nd run th e fib er o ptic c a bl e und er the muffler t ub es.
2.  Direct the bl en der ni pp le  on the rear pa n el t hro ug h the hol e in t he m an ifo l d b ase.
3.  Instal l (3) P hi ll i ps pan-h ea d s crew s o n the r ear pa ne l, ens uri ng th at th e ble nd er n ip pl e is  cent ered.
4.  With the unit upri ght, i nstall th e ble nd er ca bl e tie  wrap to th e turbin e, and i nstall th e tw o tie wr aps
th at  hold  the  ma in  harness on to  th e tie mounts, n ot in g tha t  th e tie wra p s ar e position ed  wh er e the
wires all run parallel.
5.  Conn ect the fol lowin g to t he tu rbi ne m otor dri ver PCB:
P2  10-pi n   from main P CB  and pow er PC B via m ai n h ar ness
6.   In stal l the  le ft pa ne l, rig ht   panel, ba tte ry tra y, top cove r, and p o wer ca ble. 
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F i g u re 3.17  Rea r Panel  vi ew s
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Turbine and Muffler Assembly
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le,
top c over,  battery tray, rig ht
pa ne l, le ft pane l, an d
bl en der.
2.   If th e front  panel is  in stal led,
disc o nn ect th e cable from
J701 on the main PCB,
disc o nn ect th e gre en
oxyg en  nebu lize r tube , an d
disc o nn ect th e blen der
3.  If instal le d, us e  a 3/4"
wrenc h to rem ove the hi gh
an d l ow  pres su re oxyg en
fittings from the rear of the
un it, noti n g tha t  the hi g h
pressure fitting is located
ab ov e  the low pressure
fitting (see figure 3.18).
F i g u re 3.18 T urb in e & Muffle r ass embl y

4.  Rem ov e (5) Ph ill ips  pa n- he ad scre ws.
5.  Disc on n ect th e  gray s ili co ne i ntake a nd outp ut
  el bo ws by g ently p ull in g them out from the m uffler
6.  Lift the  assem b ly off the ma nif ol d b ase.
7.  Gentl y p ull  up the el bo ws to re move.
1.  Insert the elbows int o the manifold  base.
2.  Set the turb in e  an d muffl er  as sem bly  onto the
3.  Instal l (5)  P hi lli ps p an-h ea d s crew s.
F i g u re 3.19 Hig h  & low  p ressure
O2 fittings on b ack p an el
4.  If remov ed duri ng th is pr oc ed ure, use  a 3/4 "  wrenc h to i nstall th e hig h a nd low  pres sure oxygen
fitting s to the rear of the un it, noti n g that th e  hi gh pres sure f itting is l oc ate d  above t he lo w pressure
5.  Conn ect the gray si lic on e i nta ke a nd output el bo ws by inse rting them  int o  the muffler t ub es. Push
once i n th e ce n t er of each el b ow to  prop erly seat.
6.   If th e front  panel is  in stal led,  conn ect the cable to  J701 on the  main PCB, co nn ect the  gr ee n
oxyge n n eb ul iz er tub e, a nd c o nn ect the ble n der c ab le.
7.  Instal l the ble n der, l eft pa n el,  rig ht pa n el, bat t ery tray, to p cover,  an d pow er ca bl e.
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Over Pressure Relief Valve assembly

F i g u re 3.20  O ve r Pre ssu r e Relief Val ve  ass embl y w i th  o -ring
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, battery tr ay, right p a ne l , left pa ne l, an d front pa ne l.
2.  Use  a flat scre wdr iver t o pry t he v alv e from  its location at the front left side of the manifold base.
3.  Rem ov e th e o-ri ng  (P/N 089 63 ).
4.  Using a flat screwdriver in th e middl e sl ot, unscre w the  ad ju ster in t he m id dl e of th e va lve and
remo ve th e tw o o-ri n gs (P/N  30 00 5 i n th e relief v alv e po pp et an d P/N 30 0 17 on th e bras s ad just er).
1.  Instal l the two o-rings ( P/N 3 0 00 5 i n the r el ie f  valv e pop pet an d P/N 30 01 7  on the brass  a dj uster).
2.  Sli de th e ho usi ng over the po pp et and scre w  clockwis e i nto  the h o usi ng, ti g hte ni ng with  a flat
scre wdr iver.
3.  Sli de th e valv e  into  pl ac e in t h e ma nif ol d b as e, en surin g th a t  the adj ustme nt scre w is i n t he notc h.
Do not a dj ust the scre w in t he  reli ef va lve, s i nce  it must be f actory c al ibr ated.
4.  Push u ntil th e  valv e is s e ated  into  pl ace.
5.  Instal l the front pane l, left p an el, right p a ne l, batter y tray, to p cov er, and p ow er ca bl e.
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Turbine Motor Driver PCB part number 71597
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, battery tr ay, right p a ne l .
2.  Disc on n ect th e  foll owin g from  the tur bi ne motor dri ver P CB:
P1  8-pin   to the tur bi n e
P2  10-pi n   to J6 o n th e po wer P CB
3.  Rem ov e th e (2)  keps scr e ws.
4.  Lift off the PCB .
Do not remove t he turbine from t he turbine muffler assembly. They are supplied complete.
1.  Posit io n th e tur bi ne m otor driver PCB  on the rig ht sid e of th e turbin e assembly, on to p of the filt er
ho ld er, with th e  board tow ard the turbi n e.
2.  Instal l (2)  k eps screw s.
3.  Conn ect the fol lowin g to t he tu rbi ne m otor dri ver PCB:
P1  8-pin   from th e turbin e
P2  10-pi n   from J6  on the po wer PCB
4.  Instal l the rig ht  pa ne l, battery tr ay, top cov er,  an d pow er c ab l e.
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Muffler/Filter Assembli es part number  10364
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover,
battery tray, and left panel.

2.  Rem ov e (6) Ph ill ips  pa n- he ad scre ws on
the filter co ver.

Figure 3.21

3.  Rem ov e th e  cover  an d the  two o-r in gs (P/ N
30 02 0).

Figure 3.22
O-rings  P/N 30 02 0
4.   Use  needle -nosed  pl ie rs to  pull ou t bo th  the  le ft
an d right filter  assembli es. The rig ht as sem bl y
has t he fi lter s o ck

Figure 3.23
1.  Insert the muffler (out put) into the left tube (see
picture)  an d the soc k filter ( in put) i nto th e rig ht tub e.
The rig ht an d l eft muffler/fi lter asse mbli es ar e so ld
to ge ther  a s  par t n um ber   10365 .
2.  Install tw o o-rings (P/N  30 0 20).
3.  Install the cover usin g (6)  Philli ps pa n-he ad
4.  Install the left panel, b attery tray, top c ov e r, and
po wer c a bl e.
Figure 3.24
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Blender Assembly Part Number 15895
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, battery tr ay, a nd ri g ht p an el.
2.  If the rea r  p an e l is i nstall ed, remove the  hi gh an d l ow  pres su re oxyg en fittin gs from the r ea r  pane l
using a 3/4" wr ench, noti ng th at the hi gh pressur e fittin g is l ocated ab ov e the lo w pressur e fittin g.
3.  If the rea r  p an e l is i nstall ed, d i sconn ect the 40-p in ri b bo n c a bl e from the SVGA o ut PCB.
4.   If th e front  panel is  in stal led,  d iscon ne ct the g r ee n  oxyg en   ne bu lize r  tub e.
5.  Disc on n ect th e  foll owin g from  the b le n der P C B:
J3 01 , 12 -pin  conn ecto r to J 3 01 on th e mai n

6.  Rem ov e th e bo ttom strip  ambi ent a ir i nl et filte r
by pin c hi ng  and  pulling  it ou t.

F i g u re 3.25 Amb i ent air filter

7.  Rem ov e (3) Ph ill ips  pa n- he ad scre ws on th e rig ht sid e of th e  rear  pa n el.
8.  Use  ne e dl e-n o sed pl iers t o di sconn ect the oxygen diffus er t ub e as y o u remove the  bl en der
9.  If the ex ha latio n valve  assem bly is in stalle d,  disc o nn ect th e foll owin g from t he FIO2 P CB:
J3  2- pin (b lu e conn.)  to  o xyg en  in le t so le no id  on blen de r a s se mbly
J4   2-pin (red c o nn .)  to ne b uli zer s ol en oi d assem bl y on  up per r e ar  of bl en der
1.  If the ex ha latio n valve  assem bly is in stalle d,  conn ect the f oll owin g to the FIO2 PCB:
J3   2-pin ( bl ue c o n n.)  from oxyg en inl et sol e no id  on bl en der assem bly
J4   2-pin (red c o nn .)  from n eb ul ize r sol en oi d a ssembly  on up p er  rear  of bl e nd er
2.  Posit io n th e blen der assem bl y ins id e th e uni t.
3.   Use  needle -nosed  pl ie rs to  fee d the  oxygen  d iffu se r tub e thro ug h th e  ho le   in  the  rea r  panel and
co nnect it to the  b l en de r nipple .
4.  Instal l (3) P hi ll i ps pan-h ea d s crew s o n the r i ght si d e of th e rear pa n el.
5.  Instal l the botto m strip  ambient a ir inle t filte r .
6.  Conn ect the fol lowin g to t he bl en der PCB:
30 1   12-pi n   from J3 01 o n the m ai n PC B
7.   If th e front  panel is  in stal led,  conn ect the  gr ee n  oxyg en  nebu lize r tube.
8.  If the rea r  p an e l is i nstall ed, c o nn ect the 40-p i n ribb on c ab le  to the S VGA o ut PCB.
9.  If the rea r  p an e l is i nstall ed, i n stall t he hi gh a nd lo w pressur e oxy g en fitting s to the rear pa ne l us in g
a 3/4 " wren ch, notin g that th e  hi gh pres sure f itting is l oc ate d  above t he lo w pressure fittin g .
10.  Instal l the rig ht  pa ne l, battery tr ay, top cov er,  an d pow er c ab l e.
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Figure 3 . 26  Bl ende r  Assem bly
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Fan Assembly part number  15500


EMI Shield  Filter h ol d er Filter  Filter Grid
Figure 3 . 27 Fa n  Assembly blo w  ou t
1.  Rem ov e th e po wer cab le, to p  cover, an d batt ery tray.
2.  Use  a 5/16 ”  nu t driver t o rem o ve th e insi de n uts a nd a sh ort  (# 2) Philli ps sc rew driv er to r e move the
(4)  Ph ill ip s pa n-h ea d outsi d e  screw s on the  fan a ssembly.
3.  Rem ov e th e fan and E SD shi el d from th e i n side of th e unit,  and the fi lter  g r id fro m the r ea r  of the
4.  Disc on n ect th e  fan ca bl e fro m  J2 o n the  po w er PCB.
1.  Plac e the fan filter i nsi de the e xtern al fa n cov er.  Ali gn with  4 attac hm ent h ol es, and ho ld it  aga in st
the rear  pa ne l.
2.  Hold th e ES D  shiel d to th e i n side of th e rear  pane l wit h th e copp er co ntact  strips touc hi ng  the re ar
pa ne l.
3.  Plac e the fan onto th e ES D sh iel d with the label to the in side of the unit and the  wire at the bottom.
4.  Use  a 5/16 ”  nu t driver t o in stall the  nuts fro m  the i nsi d e a nd a sh ort (# 2) Ph ill ips s cre wdriv er to
inst all the (4) Phil li ps p a n-h ea d machi n e screws onto th e fan  asse mbly from  the outsi de.
5.  Conn ect the fan ca bl e to J2 o n the  po w er PCB.
6.  Instal l the batte ry tray, top c ov er, an d po wer  cable.
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Chapter 4 Operational Verification and
Operational Verification Testing
Prior to usin g the V el a venti la t or on a new  p atie nt the fol lo win g checks sh ou ld  be c arri e d  out to e ns ure
optimum performance.  V erification testing should always  be performed “off patient”.
Disc on n ect pat ie nt from the ventilat or  b efor e  performing v er ificat ion testing.
All personnel pe rforming prevent ive maintenance  and product rep air  must be  trained  and certified  by VIASYS
Healthcare to service the product
If any portion of the following performance check fails, and  you are  unable to correct the problem, contact your
VIASYS Healthcare Certified Service Technician.
First perform the User Verification T ests (UVTs) .  To access the UVTs, do the following’
1.  After di scon ne ctin g the  patie n t, turn the venti lator OFF (i.e., STAND BY).
2.  Press an d hol d  the  Acce pt  button.
3.  While hol di ng the Accept   button, turn th e ve ntilator ON. Co ntinu e to h ol d the  butto n unti l the
vent il ator complete s the P o wer On Se lf Tests  (POST).
4. Rel e as e  the  Acce pt  b utto n whe n th e UVT men u a pp e ars in  the scr ee n.  The Aud ib le  Al ar m
soun ds.  Pres s  Alarm  Reset b utton t o cl ear.

F i g u re 4.1 UVT Startup  Screen
5. Press  t he Patient Removed  touc h scr ee n icon, the UVT test sel ecti on scree n disp la ys (s ee
figur e 4.2).
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F i g u re 4 2 Th e UVT  Screen  with  the Main screen  in Serv i c e mod e

6.  Press t he ap pr opriat e tou ch screen ic o n to b eg in  a test.
Lamp Test
Run thi s test to  chec k the fr on t lamp s to ma k e sur e th ey ar e  function in g prop erly.
1. Press  t he LampTest  to uc h sc reen ic on to start the test. The ve ntilator  ill u min ates  al l fron t pan el
LED s.
2. Press  t he LampTest  to uc h sc reen ic on ag ai n to tur n the  LEDs off and exit the test.
Switch Test
Run thi s test to  chec k the fr on t pan el m em br an e sw itch es to mak e s ure th ey ar e worki n g pro pe r ly.
1. Press  t he SWI T CH TEST icon.
2.  Press each me mbra n e sw itch  contr ol i n turn.  Watch for t he n ame of the c o n t rol to a p pe ar i n the
mess ag e bar  a t  the bottom lef t  of the touch s creen a s follo w s:

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Service Manual   Chapter 4 O p er ational Tes t in g  and Calibrati o n  57

3. Press  t he SWI T CH TEST icon again to exit t he test.
Alarm Test
Run thi s test to  chec k the au di bl e alarm.
1. Press  t he Al ar m Te st  touch screen icon to st art the te st. The aud ib le  al ar m soun ds.
2. Press  t he Al ar m Te st  tou ch screen ic o n a ga i n to sile nc e the  audi bl e alarm  an d ex it the t es t.
Filter Test
Run thi s test to  chec k the diffe renti al  pressur e acr oss th e turbi ne inl et filt er. A high d ifferen t ial pres sure
may i nd ic ate a  dirty or  occlu de d filter.
1. Press  t he Filter Test  t ouch sc reen ic on.  Th e  turbi ne accel e rates fl ow t o 1 4 0 lp m and c he c ks the
differ entia l pre ssur e to ma ke sure  it is withi n  ran ge. At the  en d of the test, the ve nti lat or displ ays
a pass or fail m ess ag e. If the test p ass es, the  foll owin g me s sag e ap pe ars:
x.x Passed
  where x.x  is th e av erag e turbi ne differ entia l pressure a n d P  ind ic ates the t est pass ed.
  If the test fails, the  fo ll owin g mess ag e app e ar s:
x.x   Failed
  where x.x  is th e av erag e turbi ne differ entia l pressure a n d F indic ates the t est fai le d:
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
58   Vela Ventilator s
2.  If the test fails, check the rotat i on of the turb ine inlet filter to  make sure that the seam is
horizonta lly  ori ented an d run t he te st ag ai n. If the te st fai ls aga in, contact a Bird  Certif ie d Servic e
Leak T est
This test should  be performed with  all circuit accessories install ed  (e.g., humidifier, water t r aps, and so on.)
Make sure al co nnections are secure and all ope nings occluded  before beginning the test.
Run this test to make sure the patient breath i ng c ircuit is n ot  lea ki ng.
1.  Attach  a one-lit er test l un g (P/ N 3 37 54) at th e patie nt breathi ng c ircuit wy e.
2. Press  t he Leak Test to uc h scr ee n icon to ru n  the test. Th e test b eg ins by increas in g th e
pres sure i n th e  pati ent breath i ng c ircuit to 6 0  cmH 2O. The ventilat or th en d isp lays the f oll owin g
mess ag es in s eq ue nc e:
Le ak te st re quested
Le ak test i n pr ogress
3.  The ventilat or the n w aits 10 s eco n ds and m easur es th e cir cuit pr essur e a ga in. If the  differenc e
bet ween th e sta r ting  and  ending me asur em en ts is le ss than or  e qual to  6 cmH2 O, the te st
passes  an d the  venti lat or disp l ays th e fol lo wi ng m ess ag e:
xx.x   Pass ed
  where x x.x is t he en di ng m e a sureme nt.
4.  Otherwise, if th e diff erenc e is more tha n 6 c mH2O, th e test fails  an d the ventilat or disp la ys the
followin g mess ag e:
xx.x Failed
5.  If the test fai ls, check a ll con n ecti ons t o mak e sur e th ere ar e no le aks  an d  repeat the test.
6.   It the test fai ls  ag ai n, refer to  Chapter 5, for tr ou bl es ho oti ng  proc ed ur es
To exit the UV Ts press t he EXIT  touc h screen ico n.
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Extended Functions
The Ext en d ed Functio ns me n u may be acce ssed via the U VT Test Sel ect  scree n as d es crib ed in th e
prev io us s ecti o n. Pres s the E XTENDED FUNCTIONS  icon  from the  UVT  scre en.

Figure  4. 3  Ac ces si ng the E xte nde d Functions  Sc re en  from the  UVT  menu
You ca n also a ccess t he exte nd ed funct io ns  scre en v ia the  Scre en s me nu durin g norm al  op eratio n.
Press t he scre en displ ay are a  on the top ce n t er of the t ouch  scree n to  activ ate Scre en S el ect menu.

Figure 4 . 4  Ac ces si ng the E xte nde d Functions  s creen  from the  Sc re en Se le ct  me nu
Press t he EXT ENDED FU NCTIONS touch screen ic o n to d i splay the Extend ed F unct io n s scre en.
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60   Vela Ventilator s

Figure 4 . 1 Ex te nde d Functi ons  s creen  me nu
To access the Events list, press th e Events scre en  icon

F i g u re 4.2 Press the Events to u ch  screen  ico n
A list of  chronolog ical  even ts  disp la ys with  the  la te st ev en t at the to p  as sho w n in  figu re   4. 11

F i g u re 4.3   T he Events scre en
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Transducer Data
Press t he Tran sdu cer Data screen ic on.

F i g u re 4.4 Press the Transdu cer Data scr een  ico n
Th e Tran sd ucer Se le ction scre en  displays.

F i g u re 4.5 Transdu cer data selectio n  scr e en
From h ere y o u can s et the an al og data disp l ay as sociat ed with  ea ch trans ducer.  For exa mpl e, if you
pres s the SET ANALOG 0 scree n icon as s h own i n figure  4. X, the follo wi n g  opti on s di sp la y in a drop
do wn m e nu.
Exhl Flow Diff Press
Exha la tion  Flow
Turbine Flow
Tu rb ine Speed

Figure 4 . 6 Tra n sduc er da ta  s el ect ion opti ons
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
62   Vela Ventilator s
In this  examp le ,  the transd uc e r  asso ci ated with An al og 0 is  set to d isp la y Turbin e Spe ed.
Set e ach an al o g valu e to on e of the tra ns du c ers i n the  dr op do wn m e nu.  Pr ess EXIT to r e turn to th e
Extend ed F unction s scree n.
For instructi o n s on  ho w to vie w this  data as  a disp laye d wa veform, see Chapter 5, M ai nte na nc e &
Trou bl esho oti n g.
Transducer Tests
To access th e t r ansd ucer t est  scre en pres s the Tr ansd ucer Tests scre e n ic on.

F i g u re 4.7 Press transdu ce r  tests ico n
The tra ns du cer  tests scre en a pp ears wit h ic o ns for th e Tur bi ne Differ entia l, Exhal atio n D iffere nti al a n d
Circuit Pr essur e tran sd uc ers.

F i g u re 4.8 Transdu cer test scre en
Press t he Turbi ne Differ entia l (TURB DIFF) s creen ic o n.
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Figure 4 9 Press TURB DIFF icon
The foll owin g  mess ag es ap p ear i n s eq ue nc e in t he m ess a ge area at th e  botto m left of the to uc h
Turb Diff Pressure Xdcr T est – Requested
Turb Diff Pressure Xdcr T est – In Progess
Turb Diff: XXX Passed  ( wh ere X XX is th e  trans du cer r ea di ng within ran ge)
Turb Diff: XXX Failed  (wh ere X XX is th e  trans du cer r ea di ng O UT of rang e)

Press t he Exh a lati on Differ e nti al Pr essure (E XHL  DIFF) screen icon.
The foll owin g  mess ag es ap p ear i n s eq ue nc e in t he m ess a ge area at th e  botto m left of the to uc h
Exhl Diff Pressure Xdcr T est – Requested
Exhl Diff Pressure Xdcr T est – In Progess
Exhl Diff: XXX Passed     (wher e XXX  is the transduc er reading within range)
Exhl Diff: XXX Failed  (wh ere X XX is th e  trans du cer r ea di ng O UT of rang e)

Press t he Circ uit Pr essure (CIRC PRESS) s creen ic on.
The foll owin g  mess ag es ap p ear i n s eq ue nc e in t he m ess a ge area at th e  botto m left of the to uc h
Circ Pressure Xdcr Test – Requested
Circ Pressure Xdcr Test – In Progess
Circ Press: XXX Passed  (wher e XXX  is the transduc er reading within range)
Circ Press: XXX Failed   (w h ere X XX is th e  trans du cer r ea di ng O UT of rang e)
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
64   Vela Ventilator s
Version Information
To access th e  softw are v ersi o n inf orm ation screen, press t h e VERSION INFO screen icon .

F i g u re 4.10 Press th e Versio n  Info  icon
The Versi o ns s creen, sh o wi ng  the ver si ons  of  all s oftwa r e i n stall e d on the  machi ne, d is pl ays.
The version information shown in figure 4.X is an  exampl e only.  Your machine will have different versions of
software depending on the date of sale and the updates loaded.

Figure 4  1 1 Sa mple Ve rs ion informa tion s cree n
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Date & Time
The date  an d time can be s et an d the ve ntilat or hours of us e  (Ho ur Met er) can be v ie we d b y pres si ng
the D ate/Ti me  scre en ico n.

F i g u re 4.12 Press D ate/T ime  ico n

F i g u re 4.13 Date/Time and  Ho u r Meter sc reen
To adju st the d ate a n d time, s el ect by  pres si ng th e touc h sc reen d irect ly ov er the c o ntrol to b e a dj usted
(see fig ure  4.X) .

F i g u re 4.14 Select the mon th  co n tro l
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66   Vela Ventilator s
Adjust by turn i ng th e Data  Di al cl ockwis e to  incr ea se, or c o unter cl ockwis e to decr ease,  the v al ue.

F i g u re 4.15 Data Dial
FiO2 Calibration
See t he Cali br ation secti on of this Cha pter.
Ventilator Setup
To access th e  vent il ator setu p  opti on s, pre ss the V ent S etu p  scree n ico n.

F i g u re 4.16 Press Ven t Setu p  ico n
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F i g u re 4.17 Ven tilator Setu p  Screen
Low Min Volume Off
Ther e are two r an ge s p ossibl e  for the L o w Minute Vo lu me A l arm.  The y ar e OFF to 99.9 lit ers a nd 0.1
to 99.9 liters.  The L o w Min Vol Off Dis ab le/ Enabl e scr e en icon, allo ws y o u to togg le  between the tw o
ra ng es.

F i g u re 4.18 L ow  Min Vol Off Enabled
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68   Vela Ventilator s
Locks Disabled
Toggles the control Locks on  and off.

F i g u re 4.19 L ocks Enable/Disab le
FiO2 Monitor Disabled
Disab les or E n ab les t he FiO 2  Monitor F unct i on.

F i g u re 4.20 Mon i to r en able/d isab le
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Altitude Adjustment
All ows for a dj u stment  of altitu de in fe et or m eters  ab ov e se a leve l.

F i g u re 4.21 Al titu d e feet/meters

The Altitude s c r ee n icon tog gl es betw ee n Fe et an d Meters
an d the se lect i on is refl ecte d i n the co ntrol  la be l (se e figur e

Figure 4 . 22  Al tutude i n  Me te rs

To adju st the v al ue, s el ect the control,

then adjust using the data  dial.

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70   Vela Ventilator s
Language Selection
A choic e of 5 lan gu a ges  is av ail a bl e (se e figure  4.23). Se le ct a lang u ag e  by pr essin g th e  appropri ate
scre en ico n.  P r ess EXIT to l e ave t he V entil a t or Setup scre e n a nd retur n to the Ext en de d F unct io ns

Figure 4 . 23 Ex it Ventilator Setup
Press E XIT ag ai n to ex it the Speci al Fu nctions me nu

F i g u re 4.24 Exit Special Fu nction s

The ventilat or  wil l b eg in  op er ation at  prev io usly sel ect ed s ettings.
Set u p th e pati ent a n d ventilat or operati on al  settin gs  per the instructio ns y our Operator’s  Manu al.
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Verification tests
1.   Befor e attach in g the V el a to a  ne w pati ent, pe r form th e fol lo win g Operati on al v erific ati on c hecks.
2.   Turn  on the Ve la, choose  New Patient and  Accept.   This w ill retur n al l sett ings to the defaults.
3.  To check mon itor p erform a nce,  allow the ventilator to o p erat e for tw o mi nutes.  Vie w th e
monitore d  pa rame te rs. The values should  app ea r a s fo llows:
Parameter  Value
Minute volume  6 L+  1.2 L
Tidal Volume  500 ml + 100 ml
I:E Ratio  1:6.1 + 10%
Breath Rate  12 bpm +  2 bpm
PIP  Should equal m anometer display +  5 cmH2O
PEEP  5 cmH2O + 2 c mH2O
Inspiratory Time  0.68 seconds +  . 05 seconds
3.  Check the alar ms as foll ows:
a.   Power Fai l Che ck
i.  Rem ov e th e po wer cord fr om the  wall. Th e ve ntilator sho ul d  do th e foll owin g:
1.  Switch to battery power.
2.  Soun d th e aud i bl e alarm.
3.  Turn th e AC P ow er So urce i n dicator OFF.
4.  Displ ay the BA TTERY ON me ssage in th e al arm win do w.
5.  LED for int ernal batt ery w ill  li ght.
ii.   Press t he A lar m Reset b utto n  to clear the alarm.
iii.   Plug the AC  power c ord  back into the w al l socket.
b.  High Pressure  Limit Ch eck
i.  Lo wer t he H ig h  Press ure A lar m settin g to 5 cmH2O  be lo w the P ea k Ins pir atory
Pressur e (PIP).  When t he ventilat or cycles  to inspiration and the high pr essure
limit i s vi ol ated, the h ig h pr essure  al arm sho u ld occur. W he n  this hap p ens t he
vent il ator sho ul d:
6.  Immed iat ely c y cle into the expirator y p hase.
7.  Soun d th e aud i bl e alarm.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
72   Vela Ventilator s
8.  Displ ay the HI GH PRES mes sag e i n th e ala r m wi nd ow.
ii.   Return th e Hig h Pre ssur e Al a r m settin g to 5  cmH 2O above  PIP, an d press the
Alarm   Reset b utton t o cl ear t he al arm.
This complet es  the performan ce ch eck.  Th e  followin g Ventil ator P erform a n ce Che cklist may be use d to
document each Performance  Ch eck for your records.
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Service Manual   Chapter 4 O p er ational Tes t in g  and Calibrati o n  73
Vela Ventilator  Performance Checklist
This checkli st i s for us e duri n g the Vel a Op e r ation al V erifi c atio n Proc ed ur e.
Seria l  Number __ ______ _____ __           Ho ur s_ _____ ________            Da te __ _____ _____ _
Verification Steps:
Verification Ste p   Check & I n itial
1.  Insp ect the ve n t ilator a nd c om po ne nts for ap pe aranc e a nd clean li ne ss.
Confirm th e Ex ha latio n valve,  di ap hragm, an d air  int ake fi lte r  and test lun g s
are c orr ectly in stall e d. Wipe the ventil ator clea n if n ee d ed using a cloth
moiste ned with a n app ro ved clea ning  solu tion .

2.  Enter the U ser  Verifi catio n Test (UVT). Press the P atie nt Remove d touch
screen icon.

3.  Test the al arm  volum e.  Adj us t  as req uir e d. 
4.   Conf irm the  p r op er  fun ctio n ing o f  the  front   pa ne l lamps and L EDs. 
5.  Confirm th e prop er fu nction in g of the me mbran e sw itch es. 
6.  Complete t he internal filte r  performan ce   check. 
7.  Check the pati ent bre athi n g circuit on t he v e ntilator  an d co nd uct a le ak te st.
Make  sure  all need ed  component s  ar e firmly  atta ch ed  in  th e circuit.

8.  Exit the  UVT and c on d uct per f orma nc e test. 
Set the  p aram eters to t he fo ll owin g rec ommen de d settings:
Inspiratory Pause
Tidal Volu me  50 0ml
Peak Flow
60 lpm  Square Waveform
Breath Rate
12 bpm
Bias Flow
10 lpm
5 cmH2O
Altit ude
Curr ent
Inspiratory Time  0.3 s ec
Pressure Support
Terminat ion Se nsitivit y
25 %
Pressure Contr o l
Variable Time  Terminati on
3.0 s ec
% O2  21
Flow  Ter m inat ion

L1534  Revision B  December 2004
74   Vela Ventilator s
Set the var ia bl e al arm control s as follo ws:

Alarm Co nt ro l  Sett ing
High Pressure   PIP plus 5 cm H2O
Low Pressur e  PIP minus  10 c mH2O
Lo w Mi nute Vo lum e  4 Lit ers
High Breath Rate  16 bpm
Apnea Interval  20 secs

Verification Ste p   Check & I n itial
9.  After at least two min utes  of op eratio n co m pare the disp la yed r ea di n gs to the

Display  Reading
Minute V ol um e   6L +/- 1.2 L
Tida l Vo lume   50 0ml  +/-100ml
I:E Rati o  1:6.1 +/-1 0 %
Breath Rate  12 bpm +/-2 bpm
PIP  Equa l to Manome t er  +/- 5
PEEP  5 cmH2O +/-2 cmH20
Inspirat ory Tim e  0.68 sec +/-0. 5  sec

Verification Ste p   Check & I n itial
10. Ch eck  alar ms 
  A. Power Fail Check 
  B.  High Pressure  Limit Check 
Signatur e: _____________________________________________________
Procedure Complete

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Service Manual   Chapter 4 O p er ational Tes t in g  and Calibrati o n  75
All personnel pe rforming prevent ive maintenance  and product rep air  must be  trained  and certified  by VIASYS
Healthcare to service the product
Test Set-up

Figure 4.34 Callibration setup  #1

To c ali bration por t
To pr es s ure mano meter
(0 to  60cmH2O)
High press ure  g as
s ourc e (wall or bot tled)
with 0-50 ps ig re g ulat or
attac h ed
To c ali bration por t
To pr es s ure mano meter
O-60 ps ig
F i g u re4.35 Calibration setu p  #2

Power Up  Verification/Service Verificatio n Tests
1.  Rem ov e th e top cov er  and battery tra y a s  described  in   Chap te r 3 .
2.  Locate DIP Sw itch 1  on the M ai n PCB A o n the r ear  of the f r ont p a ne l. Pla ce it i n the O N  positi on,
as sh o wn i n fi g ure  3.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
76   Vela Ventilator s
PAL P/N  15532
BIRD C 1995
PT 500 PT 501
P1 P1 P2 P2
3.  Conn ect the Vel a to a  prope r l y gro un d ed A C  sourc e.  Tur n on  po wer t o th e unit.
F i g u re 4.36 Main PCB

P1  P2 P1   P2
Pea k
/ Conti nuou
5 lp m
2(%)/ N 2
180 lp m
Ai r
20 l p m
2 (%)/ N2O
Hi g h
Ra nge
3  lite r s
2(%)/ N 2
3  lite r s
Ai r
M i nute
2(%)/ N 2O
Rat e
in s p ir at o r y
e xp irat o ry
I: E
Rat i o
wFl o
w Ran g
Hi g
w Ran g
Cl ean ,
dry gas
only 5
lp m max
Cl ean ,  d ry
gas onl
lp m max
Res e
Ent e
4 ps i
max d i ffer e n ti
100 p s i
max di f f e r e nt i
w Pr e ssu r
e Ran g
Hi g
h Pr e ssu r
e Ran g
185 mm
Hi g h
Ra nge
Ra nge
5 lp m
2 (%)/ N 2
5 lp m
Ai r
5 lp m
2 (%)/ N2O
Ra nge
6 5 4
Ov e rran g
Mea su r e me
Unde r r a ng
psi ma
psi ma
P/ N 33903
Attach  to the
t r a n sducer n eedi n g
ca li br atio n
Turbi ne
Di ffer ent i al
T r ansduc er
Ex hal at i on
T r ans duc er
Pressu re
Tr ans ducer
1 234 5678

F i g u re 4.37 L ocation  o f transd u cers
4.  The ventilat or  performs its Po wer On Se lf Te st. When the s elf-test i s com p lete, th e scr ee n disp lays
“fl at ” w aveform s an d the ve ntilator make s no  attempt to d eli v er a b r e ath. Thi s in dicates t hat you  are
in a  “Serv ic e ” mode 
5.  The au di bl e al arm sh o ul d soun d, pr ess the  al arm reset b ut t on to s il ence alarm.
6.  Press t he MAI N ico n  at the to p of the tou ch
7.  The SVT TEST  SELE CT screen displ ays.
8.  Press CALI BRATION to acc e ss the
trans du cer c al i bratio n scre e n  (see fig ure  4.7)

F i g u re 4.38 SVT  T est Select Screen

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Service Manual   Chapter 4 O p er ational Tes t in g  and Calibrati o n  77

F i g u re 4.39 Calibration  selectio n  screen
Exhalation Pressure Transducer
1.  Press t he EXH PRESS XDCR touc h screen icon fr om the CALIBRATION SELECT Scr een. The
EXH L PRESS CALIB scre en displ ays s ho wi ng both pressu res as  “Pe nd in g ” a nd with t he
instr ucti on “A p ply 0  cmH 2O  a nd pres s  b utto n ”.

F i g u re 4.40 Exh alation  Pressu re T ransdu cer Calibration  screen  #1
2.  Disc on n ect tu b in g from th e ex ha latio n pr essu re tra nsd uc er befor e conti nu in g wit h th e proc ed ure
(see fig ure  4.6 for loc ati on of the trans du cer s  ).With no t ub in g attach ed to the exhal ati on p r essure
trans du cer,  press the P RESS URE APPLIED  touc h scree n i con for zer o c a librati on.
3.   When  the  calibra t ion is co mple te , the  screen le gend change s to read   “App ly  60 cmH2 O, Press
Butto n ” a nd th e zer o pr essur e valu e now sa ys “OK ”  wit h a n A/D v al ue ad de d.

F i g u re 4.41 Exh alation  Pressu re T ransdu cer Calibration  screen  #2
5.  Attach the cali brati o n set up s ho wn  in fi gure  1 to the Exhal a tion Pr essur e Trans d ucer p ort (see
figur e 4 f or l oc atio n).
6.  Turn th e cali br ation syr in ge h an dl e cl ockwis e to gen er ate  p ositi ve pres sure.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
78   Vela Ventilator s
7.  When the pres sure m a nometer reads 60 cmH2O +/- 0.6 c mH2O, pres s the P RESSURE APPLIED
touc h scr ee n icon.

F i g u re 4.42 Exh alation  Pressu re T ransdu cer Calibration  screen  #3
8.  When the calibration is c o m pleted, the scr een displays OK for both calibrat ions. SAVE
the tra ns ducer  calibr ati on s el e ction scree n.
Make sure that your pneumatic connection is to the Exhalation Pr essure transducer before applying 60 cmH2O
pressure. If the 60.0 cmH2O pre ssure is inad vertently applied to the Exhalation Differential (Flow) tr ansducer  it
will perman ently damage the transducer.
Turbine Pressu re Transducer
1.  From the CA LI BRATION SE LECT screen, pr ess TURB PRESS XDCR.
2.  The first Turbi n e Pre ssur e c ali brati o n scree n  displ ays s ho wi ng both ca li brat ion  pressur es  as
pe nd in g an d with the l e ge nd “App ly 0 c mH 2 O an d press b utton ”.

F i g u re 4.43  Tu rb in e Pressure Z ero  calib ration  screen  # 1
2.  Disc on n ect tu b in g from th e tra nsd uc er befor e  conti n ui ng with the  proce du r e. Se e fig ur e 4. 6 for
locati on of the t r ansd ucers
3.  With no tu bi ng attac he d to th e  turbi ne pr essu re tra nsd uc er, pres s the PRE SSURE APP LI ED touch
scre en ico n for zero c al ibr ati o n.
4.  The scr ee n l e g en d cha ng es t o re ad “A p ply  6 0 cmH 2O, Press Butto n ” a n d the stat us of th e zer o
calibr ati on lin e  no w read s “O K ” w ith  a rec ord ed A/ D va lu e.
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Service Manual   Chapter 4 O p er ational Tes t in g  and Calibrati o n  79

F i g u re 4.44  Tu rb in e Pressure 60 cmH 2O calibration  screen  #2
5.  Attach the cali brati o n set up s ho wn  in fi gure  1 (av ai la bl e as  a kit from VIA S YS Healt hc are) to the
port P2 o n th e turbin e pressur e tran sd uc er (s ee fi gure 4.6 for loc atio n).
6.  Turn th e cali br ation syr in ge h an dl e cl ockwis e to gen er ate  p ositi ve pres sure.
7.  When the pres sure m a nometer reads 60 cmH2O +/- 0.6 c m H2O, press t he P RESSURE APPLIED
touc h scr ee n icon.
8.  The scr ee n  displ ays OK for  b oth pr essur es  an d SAVE CA LIBRATIO N an d CA NCE L
CALIBRATION.  Press SAVE CALIBRATION to sav e a nd re turn to th e tra n sdu cer c al ibr ati on
selection s creen.

F i g u re 4.45  Tu rb in e Pressure 60 cmH 2O calibration  screen  #3
9.  Reco nn ect tubi ng to the port  a fter cal ibr ati on.
Make sure that your pneumatic connection is to the Turbine Differential transducer before applying 60 cmH2O
pressure. If the 60.0 cmH2O pre ssure is inad vertently app lied to t he Exhalation Differential (Flow)  Transducer it
will be permanently damaged an d require replacement..
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
80   Vela Ventilator s
Exhalation Flow Transducer Calibration
1.  From the CA LI BRATION SE LECT screen, pr ess EX L FLOW  XDCR.  The first Exhalation
Differ entia l Pre ssur e (Flo w) cali br ation scr ee n disp lays.

F i g u re 4.46 Exh alation  Differ en tial Pressu r e (Flo w ) screen  #1
2.  Disc on n ect tu b in g from th e tra nsd uc er befor e  conti n ui ng with the  proce du r e. Se e fig ur e 4. 6 for
locati on of the t r ansd ucers
3.  With no tubing attache d to th e  transducer, pr ess the PR ESSURE APP LIED tou ch scr e en  ico n for
zero cal ibr ati on .
4.  When th e ca li b r ation is c om pl ete, th e statu s of the z ero  pr e ssur e li ne rea d s “OK ”  an d an  A/D valu e
is re co rded . The  screen  lege nd  cha nges to re ad   “A pp ly 3  cmH2 O, Press Button . ”

F i g u re 4.47 Exh alation  Differ en tial Pressu r e (Flo w ) screen  #2
5.  Attach the cali brati o n set up s ho wn  in fi gure  1 to the Exhal a tion  Differ e ntial  (Flow) Tr ansd ucer po rt
P2 (s ee fi gure  4.6 for l oc ati on ).
6.  Turn th e cali br ation syr in ge h an dl e cl ockwis e to gen er ate  p ositi ve pres sure.
7.  When the pres sure m a nometer reads 3 cm H2O +/- 0.6 c m H2O, press t he P RESSURE APPLIED
touc h scr ee n icon.
8.  When th e ca li b r ation is c om pl ete, th e statu s of the z ero  pr e ssur e li ne rea d s “OK ”  an d an  A/D valu e
is rec orded. The screen displays SAVE CALI BRATION  and  CANCE L CA LI BRATION.  Press SA VE
CALIBRATION to sav e a nd re turn to th e tra n sdu cer c al ibr ati on s el ecti on s c r ee n.
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Service Manual   Chapter 4 O p er ational Tes t in g  and Calibrati o n  81

F i g u re 4.48 Exh alation  Differ en tial Pressu r e (Flo w ) screen  #3
9.  Rem ov e cali br ation setu p fro m exh al ati on di fferent ia l pressure (fl ow) tr ansducer port an d reco n nect
tubi n g b efor e c ontin ui ng.
Oxygen Pressu re Transducer Calibration
1.  From th e CA LI BRATION SE L ECT scre e n, press O2 PRESS.  The Oxyge n Pre ssur e Tra nsd uc er
Calibra t ion scre e n #1 appears.

F i g u re 4.49 O2 Pres sure c alibration  scree n  #1
2.  With no tubing attac hed to  the Vela, pr ess the PRE SSURE APPLIE D touch screen ic on for zer o
calibr ati on.
4.  When th e ca li b r ation is c om pl ete, th e statu s of the z ero  pr e ssur e li ne rea d s “OK ”  an d an  A/D valu e
is re co rded  (see  figu re   4. 19 ).  Th e scre e n lege nd  change s to rea d  “A pp ly  50  cmH2 O, Press Button . ”
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
82   Vela Ventilator s

F i g u re 4.50 O2 Pres sure c alibration  scree n  #2
5.  Attach the cali brati o n set up tub e to th e
ne bu liz er port  on th e fro nt of t he V el a (s ee
figur e 4.20 ).
6.  Press t he N e b uli zer mem bra ne butto n on th e
front panel t o open the solenoid.
7.  Apply gas from the hig h pr essure  gas s o urce
at 50 psig pr es sure.
8.  When th e pres sure m a no meter read s 50
psig, pr ess the  PRESSURE APPLIED touch
screen icon.
9.  When th e ca li b r ation is c om pl ete, th e statu s
of  the 50 psi g pres sure  li n e  r ea ds “OK” and
an A/ D va lu e is record ed (s ee figur e
4.21).Th e screen displ ays S A VE CALIBRATIO N and
save a nd retur n to th e transd ucer cal ibr ati on
 selection scr een.   Figure 4 . 51 Ne bulize r port  on t h e Ve la

F i g u re 4.52 O2 Pres sure c alibration  scree n  #3
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual   Chapter 4 O p er ational Tes t in g  and Calibrati o n  83

Regulator calibration:

High press ure  g as
s ourc e (wall or bot tled)
with 0-50 ps ig re g ulat or
attac h ed
Connec t to hig h
pres s ure in let  on r ear
of Ve la
To  Pre ssure
Manom eter 0-60  p si g
Meas ur e pres s ure at
Nebuliz er  p ort o n  Vela
Figure 4 . 53 Ca libration s et up f o r Re gulat or Calibration
1.  Enter the SVT  mode a s d etai l ed in th is pr oc e dure then pres s the MAI N ic o n. From th e
CALIBRATION SELE CT screen, press t he S O LENOI D tou c h scree n ic on to e nter th e so l en oi d
2.  Conn ect g as sourc e to th e hi gh-pr essu re  po rt on th e rear pan el (see fi g ur e 1 8). Usi n g a 0-50 psig
regul ator,  ap pl y 50  psig g as pr essure.  In tur n, press the O2-0, O2-1, and O2-2 s ol en oi d t ouch
screen icons.
3.  Using a ca li brat ed m an om eter ,  meas ure t he pres sure at th e  Ne bu liz er port on th e fro nt of t he
vent il ator for  e ach s ol e no id (s ee fi gure 17). It must read 40 psig +/- 1. Ad ju st the in te rn al
ad justm e nt  re g ul ator to achie v e the c orr ect pressure  at the N eb ul izer port (see fi gure 4.22 )

High Pres s ure
O2 Port

F i g u re 4.54 Vela Rear Pan el

3.  Perform the O perati on al V erif icatio n Proc e d ure  descri be d i n this ch apter once the ca li br ation is
complete. .
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
84   Vela Ventilator s
All personnel pe rforming prevent ive maintenance  and product rep air  must be  trained  and certified  by VIASYS
Healthcare to service the product

F i g u re 4.56 In tern al adju stmen t reg u l ator location

L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual   Chapter 4 O p er ational Tes t in g  and Calibrati o n  85

Figure 4 . 57 Lo cat ion of O2 Ble nde r so le noids
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
86   Vela Ventilator s
Oxygen Sensor Calibration
From th e Sp ecial Fu nction s men u, press the  FIO2 MON CALIBRATIO N touch s cre en icon

Figure 4 . 58  Sp eci al  Func ti on s me nu,
The foll owin g screen w il l a pp e ar.

Figure4. 59 FiO2 Se nsor Calibra tion   Ambien t  Ai r

Attach  10 0 % O 2 at 5 0p si g to the  hi gh-pr essu re in let on th e r ear of the V el a.
Press t he STA RT AMB CA LI BRATION touch screen ic on.   The machine w ill take  3-5 minutes to
perform the cal ibr ation and the fol lowing sc r een w ill  appear  whi le t he c ali bration is  in  progres s.

F i g u re 4.60 Amb i ent Calibration  in p rogress.

L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual   Chapter 4 O p er ational Tes t in g  and Calibrati o n  87
When cali brati on is com pl ete,  the fol lo wi n g screen w il l a pp e ar sh owin g the  ne w am bi e nt val ue.

F i g u re 4.61 Amb i ent calib ration  co mplete show ing  n ew  va lu e
Press t he STA RT 100%  CALI BRATION touch screen ic on.   The cali br ation will t ake 3- 5 minutes during
which time the  followin g scr ee n wi ll ap pe ar.

F i g u re 4.62 100 % F IO2 calibration  in pro gres s
When th e ca li b r ation is c om pl ete  the  fo llowing  screen  will  ap pe ar .

F i g u re 4.63 F IO2 calib ration co mplete, n ew  v alu es sh o w ing.
If the calibr ati o n va lu es ar e ac cept ab le, pres s  EXIT to exit th e ca li brati o n se qu en ce.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
88   Vela Ventilator s

L1534  Revision B  December 2004

Chapter 5  Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Routine Maintenance Procedures
Replacing the software PCMCIA cards
Occasio na l sof t ware u pgrad e s may re q uir e r ep lac ement of the i nter na l PC MCIA card th at  driv es th e
Vela.  This i s e asi ly ac cess by remov in g th e  scre ws hol di ng  the ve nti lat or cover an d slid in g the c ov er off
tow ards t he re ar as s ho w n in  figur e 5.1.

F i g u re 5.1 Slide co ve r to w ard s rear

The SVGA Outp ut ribbon cable lies directly bene ath the top cover assembly running from the front  of the Vela to
the rear.  It can  be damaged if care is not taken  when removing the cover.  Make sure that the cover clears this
cable before slid ing it back.
The card is located towards the front of the  Vela beneath the righ t p anel.   To re pl ace the card, refer to
figur e 5.2 and do th e foll owin g:

Card ej ect b utto n
F i g u re 5.2 PCMCI A c ard s in  p l ace
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
90   Vela Ventilator s
If a new version of software is installed, it can ta ke up to two minutes for the software to download to the
ventilator.  During this time the ventilator is inope ra tive and the audible alarm will sound.  The ventil ator will
resume normal  operation once the download is complete.
1.  Press t he protr ud in g b utto n ben eath the car d to e ject. 
2.  To instal l, mak e sur e th e arr o w on the car d i s pointin g u p th en push the ca rd int o th e
applicable slot until  it clicks int o plac e.
It is essent ial when working insid e the ventilator t o protect against  static discharge , which can dam age the
ventilator and ca use it to become inoperative. AL WAYS take stan dard ESD preca utions before removing the
ventilator cover .
Replacing the externa l A/C fuses. 

Rem ov e th e po wer cord  prote ctive c ov er. Un pl ug th e
A/C power cord.

F i g u re 5.3 Remove  the pow er co rd  g u ard

Th e AC po wer  modu le  is a univer sa l mo du le  fo r A/C
voltag es from  10 0-24 0 volts. Usi ng a flat bl a de d
scre wdr iver,  pr y op en the c ov er. Usi n g the s ame
scre wdr iver, l o osen a n d p ull  o ut the red fu se ho ld er as
show n in fi g ure  5.4. 
Rem ov e th e fuses from both  sides of the fus e h ol der
an d repl ac e wit h fus es P/N 71 61 2(ava il ab le f r om
VIASYS Healthcare c ust omer support.
F i g u re 5.4 Pry o u t  th e fu se h o l d er
It is important that the fuses are replaced with the same type and  value as those removed.  Failure to do so can
result in ventilat or malfunction. 
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual   Chapter 5 Main tena nce & Troubleshooting  91

To insert th e fuse h ol der c o ntaini ng th e ne w fuses, m ak e sure
the 4 m eta l tab s are fa ci ng up  as shown i n fi gure 5.5 and
caref ul ly pus h the fu se ho ld er  in  to  the  A/C  po wer modu le  until it

F i g u re 5.5 Insert fuse ho l d er  w ith  metal tab s sh ow ing
The Annual 5000 hour P.M. Procedure
Replacing the ambient air filter.
The Am bi e nt Air Filter i s lo cated at the r ear o f  the  ve ntilator  be lo w the rear pa ne l.  It is a hi gh-de ns ity
foam i ns ert.  To rem ov e it, pi nch  an d pul l a way fr om the ventilat or as s h o wn i n fi gure 5.6 .   The filter  wil l
lift out.  R ep la c e wit h a cl e an filter.  To p rev e nt the  entry of dust i nto the v e ntilator, pr ess t he fi lter i n
ar ou nd  the  edges to ensu re   a  sn ug  fit.

Figure 5 . 6 Re move  high  density foa m ambien t ai r fIlter
Replacing the fan filter

Pop  out t he fa n  filter ret ai ni ng gri d, usi n g screwdr iver.
Pinc h &  pu ll ou t  the foa m filte r  (see fi gure  5.7)
To instal l a n e w filter, c aref ul l y pl ace t he ne w filter  ov er
the fan hou si n g and pl ace t h e retain in g gr i d  back onto
the fan hou si n g. Ch eck t o ma ke sure th er e ar e no
creases or fol d s in the foam fil t er as this will reduce its
effici en cy a nd cou ld allo w  co ntam in ants int o   the
vent il ator bo dy.  Push t he reta i ni ng gri d u ntil  a ll fo ur
“tabs ” c lick  int o  place.

Figure 5 . 7 Pin ch and remove foa m fan filter
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
92   Vela Ventilator s
Replacing the filter, retaining ring & check
valve on the low pres O2 fitting

Using a ¾ i nc h  open-en d ed w r ench, unscrew the l ow-pres sure oxyg en fitting fr om t he back pan el  as sh o wn i n
figur e 5.8.

F i g u re 5.8 Unscrew  the  lo w  p ressure O2 fi tting

Rem ov e th e white c o ne fi lter  an d disl od g e &  remov e th e white Delri n
re ta in ing ring  (u se   needle  nose  p l ie rs if ne eded) .
Using ne e dl e n ose pl iers, th e  bl ack d uck bi ll e d check v alv e  shoul d c ome
out e as ily.

Figure 5.9 W hite Delrin retaining  w ash er
and duck bille d check val ve
To re pl ace,  pl a ce the black  du ck bi ll ed c he ck valv e an d in sert  it into the fitting. Tap l ig htly w ith th e end
of a scr ewdrive r  to mak e sur e  it is se ated th e n pl ac e the Del r in ret ai ni ng rin g over it with th e “lip ” fac in g
into t he V el a a s sho w n in fi g u r e X.X.  Pla ce t he ne w co n e fil t er onto the De lrin r in g a nd p u sh gently u ntil
you  are s ur e it  has s e ated cor r ectly.  R ep la c e t he fitting and tighten down  with t he ¾ inch wrench.
Replacing the filter, retaining ring and check
valve on the hi pressure fitting
Using a ¾ i nc h  open-en d ed w r ench, unscrew the tw o-pi ece  hi gh-pr e ssur e oxy g en fi tting.  R em ove the w hit e
cone filter, the  white Delr in  washer  & the bl ac k duc k
bil le d c heck va l ve as  de scribe d a bove.

F i g u re 5.9 Unscrew  the  h i gh p ressure O2  fittin g

Instal l the blac k che ck va lv e an d ma ke s ur e  it is se ated.  Install t he
white Delr in  washer  wit h the  li p dow n as s h o wn i n fi gure 5.1 0.
Plac e the  cone filte r  on the  delrin   washer  and pus h gent ly to   se at.
Repl ac e and ti ghten do wn th e fitting wit h a  ¾ inc h o p en-e nd ed

F i g u re 5.10 Installin g  the Delrin  Wash er
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Service Manual   Chapter 5 Main tena nce & Troubleshooting  93
Replacing the muffler and muffler filter assemblies
Always  tak e prec a utio ns  agains t s ta ti c  dis c harge when work ing wit h th e
v entil ator.  Reta in  all hardware f or re-ass embly .
From th e back pa ne l, remov e  the p o wer cord  guard by
unscrewi ng the  two ret ai ni ng s crew s as s ho w n in fi g ure
5.11. Un pl u g th e pow er cor d.   Figure 5.11 Re movi ng the  power cord  guar d

Unscrew the screws holding on the  Vela cover. Slide cover towards the rear  of the machine  and off.

F i g u re 5.12 Slid e co ve r off to w ard s th e rear
Rem ov e th e 4 scre ws se curin g the  battery tr ay & lift it, and the att ach e d la rge c ap ac itor a ssem bly  out.
Le an the batte r y tray a nd c ap acit or ass em bl y agai nst the left side  of the V el a w hil e yo u  d iscon nect th e
lar ge white M ol ex DC p ow er c on ne ctor. S et the c om pl ete a s sem bly  aside.
When the batteries are disconne cted, the system  will automatica ll y re-set the battery status memory and will
initiate an 18-ho ur re-charge cycle upon re-connect.  During th is p eriod, the red DC status light will  remain on.
 If the DC status light remains lit  after the initial c harging period has expired, cont act VIASYS tech support as
described in Appendix A for a replacement battery.
Rem ov e th e rig ht pa n el. Th ere are tw o scr ews in the rear of  the v entilat or, one i n the front top and on e
on th e l ow er l ef t  side  in th e ce nter.
Pull the  panel out from the rear first, then ease to  the back  & tilt out.  Lay the assembly flat. The
Mufflers are no w acc ess ib le.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
94   Vela Ventilator s
Replacing the muffler/filter assemblies.

To rem ov e & replac e the muff lers  and filter,  first ease out the two
sili co ne el bo ws from the muffl er assem bly fr ont p a ne l.

Lo os en th e 6 s crew s o n the front p lat e,
& remove the fr ont p lat e. R e move a nd
replac e the tw o  bla ck o-rin gs on the
fro nt  pane l.

Silicon e Elbow

Using ne e dl e n ose pl iers, fir ml y gras p the me tal
grid inside the R side muffler/f ilter  assy.  Pull
firmly towards  you  and the muffler/filter should
slide  out. Repeat wit h t he left side muffler. 

You  wi ll see th at on ly th e Rig ht sid e m uffler  has  a filt er attached,
the L side has  wire muffler only.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual   Chapter 5 Main tena nce & Troubleshooting  95
To instal l the  n ew filt er/m uffler
assembli es, p u sh the left si d e
muffler (wit h no filter) firmly  in and
make sur e it is  push ed all the way
into t he ho usin g.  Insert the right
side muffler wit h the filter, ensure
that th e se am on th e filt er lay s
horizonta lly  an d press h om e. 
Repl ac e the fr o nt cov er with th e
ne w O-rings  an d reattac h wit h  six

Instal l the two sili co ne el bo ws into th e muffler
cover a nd push in t he c enter  to mak e sur e
they are s eate d.

Replacing the left panel w/power PCB.
1.  Le an the ri g ht pa ne l u p to th e  Vel a, sli de in the front then p ush in th e rear.   Reatt ach the scre ws
on th e rear (2), front (1)  an d at  the lo w er e dg e of th e rig ht side (1).
2.  To instal l the  b attery tray, r e-a ttach th e l arg e  white Mol ex co nn ector an d make s ur e it la ys
between the m uffler  el bows as you replace the batte r y tray  onto the Vela.   This will  ensure that
ther e is e n ou g h spac e for th e  larg e cap acit o r a ttached to the Battery tray.  Re-attach the 4
screws ho ld in g the batte ry tray in place .  Re co nn ect the ribbon cable.
3.  Sli de th e cove r  in p lac e from t he rear an d pu sh the top fr ont edge hom e un der the l ip.  Attach the
4.  Reattach the power cord a n d re-attach t he p ow er cor d guard wit h the two screws. 
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
96   Vela Ventilator s
If The Ventilator Does not Turn ON
If you turn the  po wer s witc h  ON a nd th e ON in dicato r d oe s not i ll umi nate ,  perfor m the trou bl es ho oti ng
proc e dures given in Tabl e 5.1 .

Table 5.1
Trou bleshooting  Po wer-Up  Proble m s
Ventilator plugg ed into an AC
source but does not power up.
No power at AC outlet, or the
AC/DC select switch is in the  A LT
PWR SOURCE  position, or the  AC
Line Voltage switch is set to the
wrong voltage.
Try connecting to a known good AC
power source. Make sure the AC/DC
switch is in the A C  position. Make
sure, the voltage setting of the
ventilator match es the voltage of  your
power source. Check the fuse
assembly  if the ventilator still doe s not
power up, Contact your Bird Products
Certified Service  Technician.  Ch eck
the DC voltage output supply fro m
transformer at J 9.  Check DC voltage
at J3. Black is gr ound. Red is 5 volts
DC and Yellow is 14.7 to 20 DC. If
voltage is not pr esent, replace Power
Supply PCB.
Ventilator attach ed to alternate
external DC power source but
does not power up.
If the external source is a battery,
the battery may not be charged, or
the AC/DC select switch may be in
the AC position.
Plug the ventilat or into a known good
AC source, or to a known good
battery and see if it powers up. If
using a 12VDC power source, set the
AC/DC select switch to the ALT PWR
SOURCE position. Check the fuse
assembly. If the  ventilator still do es
not power up, contact your Bird
Products Certified Service
Technician. Che ck DC voltage at J3.
Black is ground. Red is 5 volts D C
and Yellow is 14 .7 to 20 DC. If
voltage is not pr esent, replace Power
Supply PCB.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual   Chapter 5 Main tena nce & Troubleshooting  97
Reviewing the Transducer  Wavefor m s
To  re view th e trans du ce r  wave fo rms se t in Ch ap te r  4,  in   nor mal  op er at ional mod e  pr es s the tou c h
scre en imm ed i ately ov er th e wavefor m h ea di ng displ ay on  the MAIN s cre en. 

F i g u re 5.13 Select w a vefo rm d i splay ed
A scrolli ng dr o p d ow n me n u dis pl ays all the  poss ib le  wave form ch oices.  To scro ll thr o u gh th e cho ice s
use t he Data D ial.

Figure 5 . 14 Drop d ow n me nu
From th e ch oices disp la ye d, sel ect the tr ansducer you wish  to revi ew ( in this case, tra nsd ucer  0) an d
pres s the Acce pt mem br an e b utton.

F i g u re 5.15 Selectin g  Xducr
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
98   Vela Ventilator s
The wav eform  immedi ately ch an ge s to disp la y the si g na l associ ated w ith the s el ected transd uc er (in
this c ase it is Turbine Speed).

F i g u re 5.16 T urb in e Speed  w a vefo r m d i spla yed
L1534  Revision B  December 2004

Appendix A  Contact & Ordering Information
How to Call for Support
To get  he lp  on performin g any  of the pr ev enti ve ma int en a nc e ro utines, o r  to re qu est servi ce on your
vent ilator, cont act VIASYS  Healthcare Customer Care:
Technical Support
Hour s:    7: 00  AM to   3: 30  PM (PST) Mond ay th roug h  Friday
Phone:   (7 60 ) 778 -720 0
Fax: (760) 778-7377

VIASYS H ealthcare Customer Care Helpline
Hours:    24 ho urs, se ve n days a  week
Phone:    (8 00 ) 934 -247 3  (From within  the US)
Fax:    (760) 778-7377

VIASYS Healthcare Critical Care
11 00 B ir d Ce nt er Dri ve
Palm Spring s, CA 92 262-809 9
Phone: (7 60 )  778-720 0
 (800) 328-4139
Fax: (760) 778-7274
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
100   Vela Ventilator s
Ordering Parts
To obtai n Vel a vent il ator parts  cont act cust o mer se rvic e at:
Customer Service:
Hours:    7:00 Am to 3:30 PM (PST)
  Monday thro ugh Friday
Phone:   (8 00 ) 328 -413 9
 (760) 778-7200
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L1534  Revision B  December 2004

Appendix B Diagrams & Schematics
Wiring Diagram
Tubing Diagram
Pneumatic Schematic
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
102   Vela Ventilator s

L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual   Appendix  A Contac t &  Orderin g  In format io n  103

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104   Vela Ventilator s
L1534  Revision B  December 2004

Appendix C  Specifications
Oxygen Supply
High Pressure Connector
Pressu re  Range :  40 to   85  psig  (Sup ply Oxygen)
Temper ature: 10  to  40
C (50 to  1 0 4
Humidity:  Dew Point o f   ga s shou ld  be 1 . 7
C (3
F) bel o w the ambi ent t emper ature
Minimum  Flow:   80 LPM at  20 p sig
Inlet Fitting:   CGA DISS-type body, No. 1240
Low Pressure Connector
Pressu re  Range :  0 to  0 . 5 p s ig  (Sup ply Oxygen)
Maximum Flow:  80 LPM
Inlet Fitting:   ¼ inch tapered
Electri cal Supply
AC Power Supply
The ventilat or  op erates w ith in  spec ific ati on w he n con nect ed  to the foll owin g AC po wer s u pp li es:
Nomina l Vo lta g e  Range  Freq ue ncy Rang e
10 0 VA C   (85 to  11 0 VA C)   47 to 65 Hz
12 0 VA C   (102 to 1 3 2 VA C)   55 to 65 Hz
23 0 VA C   (196 TO 253 V AC)   47 to 65 Hz
24 0 VA C   (204 TO 264 V AC)   47 to 65 Hz
DC Power Supply
The ventilat or  can  also o p era te from a  48 V DC p ow er s ource (i nterna l b at t ery).
Internal Battery:
The ventilat or  op erates w ith in  spec ific ati on for a pproximat e ly 3 h o urs w ith  a fresh, full y ch arged battery
un der moderat e loa d.  Maxi m um ch ar ge ti m e for a fu ll cha r ge is 8 to  12 h ours.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
106  Vela  Ventilator s
Data Input / Output
Analog Inputs
The ventilat or  prov id es up to 8 programm a bl e ch an n els for  an al og s ig n al i np uts.  Eac h c ha nn el s h all be
scal a bl e for th e  inp ut rang es s pecifi ed.
Rang es:  0 to 1 V DC
  0 to 5 V DC
  0 to 10 VDC
Resol uti on:  0.25 mV  (for 0 to 1 VD C )
  1.37 mV  (for 0 to 5 VD C )
  2.5 mV   (for 0 to 10 V D C)
Analog Outputs
The ventilat or  prov id es 4 sign als at the an al o g o utp ut co nn e ctor:
1.  Airway  Press ure, P AW:

Rang e:   -60 to  14 0 cm H 2
Scal e:  1 cmH 2
O/25 mV
Accuracy:  ± 50 mV or  ± 5%  o f  re a di ng, which ev er is  gr eater
Zero Offset:  1.5 V DC at 0 cmH 2
2.  Flow
Insp iratory/Exp irator y :
When select e d ,  the ve ntilator  prov id es a co nt in uo us a n al og voltag e repr es entative of i nsp irator y
flow m in us  expiratory flow.
Rang e:   -3 00  to  200  L P M  (Adu lt)
Scal e Factor:   1 LP M / 10 mV   (Ad ult)
  1 LP M / 25 mV   (Pe di atric)
  1 LP M / 50 mV   (Ne on ate)
Accuracy:  ± 10 %  of re ad i ng or ± 30 mV,  whic h eve r is g r eater
Zero Offset:  3.0 V DC at 0 LPM
Machi ne:
When select e d  the ve nti lat or prov id es a co nt in uo us a n al og voltag e repr es entative of ma c hi ne
de liv ered fl ow.
Rang e:   0 to 200 LPM   (Ad ult)
Scal e Factor:   1 LP M / 25 mV   (Ad ult)
  1 LP M / 50 mV   (Pe di atric)
  1 LP M / 100 mV  (Ne on ate)
Accuracy:  ± 10 %  of re ad i ng or ± 30 mV,  whic h eve r is g r eater
Zero Offset:  None
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual   Appendix  B Specifications  107
3.  Volume:
Rang e:   -1.0 0 to 4.00 L   (Ad ult)
Scal e Factor:   1 L / V  (Ad ult)
  1 mL /  5 mV  (Pediatric)
  1 mL  / 10  mV  (Neo na te )
Accuracy:  ± 1 0 %  of re ad i ng or  ±  30 mV,  whic h eve r is g r eater
Zero Offset:  1.000 V DC
4.  Brea th  Phase
The ventilat or  prov id es a co nt in uo us a n al og voltag e repr es entative of bre ath p h ase (I ns pir atio n = 5
VDC, Expiration = 0 VDC).
Digital Communication
The ventilat or is con struct ed with  on e RS -2 32 port for  bi- di r ection al commun icat io n of dat a.
This is a non-operational port.  Do not make conn ection.
The ventilat or is con struct ed with  a sta nd ar d  25- pi n femal e  Centronics p ar all el  pri nter port.
This is a non-operational port.  Do not make conn ection.
Remote Nurse Call
The ventilat or  has  a mo d ul ar  jack co nfigur ed  to interf ac e wit h ext ern al sy stems that ar e ei ther w ire d for
norm al ly op en (N.O., clos e on  alar m) or normally clos ed (N.C., op e n o n al arm) si g na ls.
Video Output
The ventilat or is con struct ed with  a vide o ou t put con nect or.
This is a non-operational port.  Do not make conn ection.
Atmospheric & Environmental Specifications
Temperature and Hu midity
Storag e
Tenperature:      −20 to 60
C (−4 to  14 0
Humidity:      10 to 95 % R H non-con de ns in g
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
108  Vela  Ventilator s
Temper atire   5 to 40
C (41 to 1 04
Hum id ity   15 to 95 % R H non-con de ns in g
Barometric Pressure
76 0 to 54 5 mm Hg
Physical Dimensions
Overall Size
13 ” W x 14 .5”   D x 12”  H
<  38 l bs.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004

Appendix D Service Event Codes

1  MSP got an unr e c ognized packet from IOP
2  IOP did not r emove the high priorit y packet last sent to it
3  IOP did not send  the event packet in time
4  MSP detected a checksum er ror in a high priori ty  packet
5  MSP detected too many checksum er ro rs  in lo pr iori ty  communications
6  MSP unknown breath phase
7  MSP unknown mode
8  MSP unknown breath typ e
9  An msp task didn’t run. Detected by the backgnd ta sk.
10  userint task got an invalid enumeration for a switch or an alarm
11  Servos detected an invalid servo type
1 2   TEPRO M   detected checksum  er ror in tur bine eeprom
13  All required queues we re not active on powe r up
14  A queued "pass around" message did not get back
15  A queued "pass around" message was responded  b y the  wrong task
16  The queue of IO P messages was  full
17  Turbine out of control, flo w para m eter
18  Turbine out of control, speed par a m eter
19  Turbine out of control, exhl pressure param eter
20  Turbine out of control, turb pressure param eter
21  Indicates a problem wi th the spee d encoder
22  Indicates a problem wi th the tur bine differential pr essure transduce r
23  The turbine is running in reverse
24  The O2 sensor is disconnected
25  Ambient air reading is too low
26  The 100 % cal A/D reading is too low
27  The A/D readings never stabilized during a calibration
28-39  UNUSED
40  MSP code ran awa y, hit runa wa y trap, CPU can't r ecover
41  MSP addressed a nonresponsive memor y/dev ice or a none xistant memory/ device
42  IOP did not interr upt MSP wi thin 2.1ms
43  MSP undefined interrupt err or
44  MSP invalid opcode error
45  MSP spurrious interrupt erro r
46  MSP divide by z ero interrupt
47  MSP parity e rror
4 8   U N U S E D
49  MSP watchd og p al error
50  MSP BACKG ND  task found a ROM checksum error
51  MSP INTO instru ction executed, o v erflow  flag was set
52  MSP GP fault
53  MSP Stack fault
54  MSP Bound err o r
55  MSP task MSG tried to enqueue a message, but the message queue was full
56  MSP configuration key  was rem oved or changed
57-59  UNUSED
60  MSP discovered that there was no cal data
61  Transducer f ault occurred
62  User svt calibration failed
63  User interface could not use settings from non-volatile ram
64  Vent   power ed-up
65  Self reset occurred
66  Turbine S/N in eeprom doesn 't m atch teprom
67  AC  powe r alarm occurred
68  External battery  alarm occurred
69  Internal batte r y  medium alarm occurred
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
110  Vela  Ventilator s
70-199  UNUSED
200  MSP POST: CPU command failure
201  MSP POST: CPU timer failure
202  MSP POST: Internal RAM failure
203  MSP POST: Ext ernal DPRAM failure
204  MSP PO ST: Program Memo ry   C hecksum calcu l ation failure
205  IOP e xecuted unused code space
206  IOP Background checksum test fa iled
2 0 7   I OP  c h e c k s u m
2 0 8   I OP  c h e c k s u m
209  IOP e xternal 32k  sram failure
210  Three consecutive exhalat ion pressure mismatches
211  Three consecutive exhal ation flow mismatches
212  Three consecutive turbine pressure mismatches
213  Three consecutive internal  batter y  charge mismatches
214  Three consecutive external  batte r y charge mismat ches
215  Three consecutive oxygen pres mismatches
216  Three consecutive temperatu re mi smatches
217  Three consecutive exhalat ion valve DAC mismatches
218  Three consecutive turbine DAC  mismatches
219  Three consecutive 48 vo lt supply  mismatches
220  Three consecutive O2 m onitor voltage mismatches
221  Three consecutive internal refe ren c e voltage mism atches
222-229  UNUSED
230  IOC OMM: No se rvo data for t he DACs written to memory
231  IOC OMM: A/D data not ret rieved  from memor y
232  IOC OMM: Incorrect checksum
233  IOC OMM: Illegal command
234  IOC OMM: Incorr ect packet size
235  IOC OMM: Incorr ect command ha ndler called
236  IOC OMM: Para meter was  out of range
237  IOC OMM: IOP did not receive an MSP packet for ov er 100 ms
238  No MSP sync wi t hin 2sec of IOP post finished
239-247  UNUSED
248  IOP discovered a  fan failure
249  IOP discovered a  fan failure condition has ended
250  Three consecutive IOP discovered DAC loop-back f ailure
251  IOP discovered p ower supply  over -temp
252  IOP discovered DAC loop-back is ok
253  IOP discovered p ower supply is ok

L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Operat ors Ma nu al  Appendix  D Ev ent Codes   111
L1534  Revision B  December 2004

Breath Int erval   Elaps ed time fr om the start of on e breath to t he st art of the  next.
Pres et  An o pe r at or se t ventilat or par ameter.
Trigg er  Value at w hic h  the v entilat or in itiat es del ivery of a br eath as  a res ult of
measur ed p ati ent eff ort.
BTPS  Body Tem pera t ure at A mb ie nt  Press ure, S at urat ed.
ATPD  Ambi e nt Temp erature, Am bi e nt Pressure, Dr y.
Dem a nd Fl ow  The flow ge nerated by the ve ntilator to me et  the pati ent’s fl ow dem a nd
in or d er to mai ntai n PE EP at the pres et leve l.
PEEP  Posit ive E n d Expir atory  Pres s ure.
AC  Alter natin g Cur rent (mai ns e le ctricity).
Bias Flo w  A contin uo us fl ow thro ug h the  pati ent breath i ng c ircuit.
Bpm  Bre aths  per  m i nute.
Breath P eri od  The l en gth  of time b etw ee n mach in e-i nit iat ed  bre aths. De pe nds  on the
Breath Rate setting.
Breath R ate  The num b er of  breaths  de liv er ed in a m in ute.
BTPD  Body Tem pera t ure at A mb ie nt  Press ure, Dry
Button  A push button switch used t o  toggle a function on or off.
cmH 2O  Centim eters of water pressure .
Controls  Any butto n, to u ch scr ee n icon, switch,  or kn o b that  all o ws y ou to
modify the  ven t ila to r’s behavior.
Event  An a no ma lo us  condit io n that occurs durin g ve ntilator  op er ati on.
Flow  The r ate at w hi ch gas is  de liv ered. Me as ured in liter s per min ute (l pm).
Indi cato rs  A visual  el eme nt sh owin g ope r ation al stat us.
L  Liters. A unit of  volume.
LED  Li ght  Emittin g  Diod e
L/min  Liters per minute. A unit of flow.
Mode  An o pe r ati n g state of the ventil ator th at deter min es th e all o wabl e
breath types.
Monitor ed P ar ameter  A me asur e d valu e disp laye d i n the scre en.
O2  Oxygen
Patient Breathi ng Circuit  The tubi ng that prov id es th e ventilat ory i nterface  betwee n th e patie nt
an d ve nti lat or.
Paw  Airw ay Pr essur e. Me asur e d i n  cmH2O  at the exhal ati on v al v e.
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual     113
PEEP  See  Positiv e E nd Expirat ory  Pressur e.
PIP  Peak Inspir atory Press ure . S hows the  high est circuit pr essu re  to
occur d uri ng in spirati on as measur e d at th e exha lat io n valv e .  The
disp la y is  updated a t  the  end  o f  in sp ira t io n.   PIP is not up date d fo r
sp on tane ou s bre at hs.
Pplat  Platea u Pr essu re. Me asur e d d uri ng an In sp ir atory Hold m an euver.
Used to c alc ul ate Stat ic C om pli a nce. ( Cst).
PSIG  Pounds pe r squ ar e in ch   gauge . 1  PSIG = .07 b ar
Sigh Breath  A Vol um e C ontrolle d mac hi n e bre ath  havin g  a tid al v ol um e equa l to
on e-an d-a-h alf times ( 15 0 %  of ) the cu rrent tid al v ol ume s etti ng.
User Verif icatio n Tests (U VT)  A gro u p of test s to ch eck v entilator p erformance  pri or to c o nn ecting
the v entilat or to a pati ent.
WOB  Patient Wor k o f  Breathi ng i. e. a me as ure of P atie nt Effort.

L1534  Revision B  December 2004
114  Vela  Ventilator s

AC power · 71
active matrix LCD  ·  18
alarm  window · 71, 72
alar ms check · 71
back light i n verter · 18, 20
battery  status  · 23
battery   tray  · 26
breath rate · 71
breathing circuit · 5 8
calibrat i on curves · 15
co mp lete disassem b ly  of the unit · 24
customer service · 100
dam p ener gasket · 39
DC power connector · 26
DC voltage · 96
differential pressure · 17
disconnect the   battery · 23
display · 71
drawings, diagrams and schem atics · 16
electronic · 18
ESD susceptible electrical co mponents ·  23
exhalation s y stem  · 17, 21
exhalation valve assemb ly  · 38
external battery · 71
filter check · 57
filters · 16
flow delivery sy stem  · 21
Flow Delivery S y stem  · 17
flow sensor PCB · 37
green oxy g en  nebulizer tub e · 32
high and low pressure oxygen fittings · 47
high pressure  ·  71
high pressure lim it · 71
inspirator y  h ol d solenoid ·  39
inspirator y  h ol d valve · 18
inspirator y  ti me ·  71
intake and ou tput elbows ·  47
J1 position on the main P CB · 35
leak test · 58
left panel · 28
light em itting diodes · 20
liquid cr y stal display · 19
main controller system  · 20
maintenance schedules · 16
manifold base asse mbly ·  40
L1534  Revision B  December 2004
Service Manual     115
manomet er · 71
MAP · 71
memb rane key panels · 18
memb rane panel · 20
monitor perform ance · 71
monitored parameters · 71
mu ffler (output) · 5 0
NIST · 15
O2 sensor · 43
optical encoder · 18, 20
over pressure relief valve a ssemb ly  · 48
oxy g en blendi ng s y stem  · 18, 22
oxy g en diffuser tube · 41
PCMCIA card · 28
peak inspiratory pressure · 71
PEEP · 71
performance checklist · 73
PIP · 71, 72
pneum atic system  · 17
power cable guard · 2 4
power fail check · 71
power PCB · 29
power sy stem · 20
power-on prob lem s · 96
rear panel · 44
resistive touch screen overlay  · 18
right and left  mu ffl er/filter assemblies · 50
safety  check valve guard ·  42
safety  system · 18
service c alls ·  99
sock filter (input) ·  50
SVGA output ribbon cable · 25
switch check  · 56
the main PCB · 34
three o-rings ·  41
three visible o-rings · 41
tidal volum e · 71
tools & equip ment · 15
touch screen · 20
transform er · 96
turbine & m u ffler asse mbl y · 47
turbine gas delivery  s y stem · 17
turbine m o tor driver PCB: · 49
UIM · 18, 19
umbrella valve · 39
watchdog timer · 21

L1534  Revision B  December 2004

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