Thursday 5 July 2012

Models of Orthopedic Instruments

Orthopedic Instruments

  • 46-0606 - Osteotome (14cm)
  • 46-0607 - Bone chisel with bevelled edge (14cm)
  • 46-0608 - Brun's osteotome 8mm wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0609 - Brun's osteotome 10mm wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0610 - Brun's osteotome 12mm wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0611 - Brun's chisel 8mm wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0612 - Brun's chisel 10mm wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0613 - Brun's chisel 12mm wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0614 - McEwen's osteotome 8mm wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0615 - McEwen's osteotome 10mm 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0616 - McEwen's osteotome 12mm wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0617 - McEwen's osteotome 14mm wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0618 - McEwen's chisel, 5/16" wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0619 - McEwen's chisel 7/16" wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0620 - McEwen's chisel 9/16" wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0621 - McEwen's chisel ¾" wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0622 - McEwen's chisel 1" wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0623 - McEwen's chisel 1½" wide 7½" (19cm)
  • 46-0624 - Doyen bone mallet, Fig. 1-3, 8¼" (21cm)
  • 46-0625 - Hajek bone mallet 8¼" (21cm)
  • 46-0626 - Collin bone mallet 8" (20cm)
  • 47-0627 - Volkmann collin bone curettes Fig. 1-6
  • 47-0628 - Simon's bone curettes Fig. 1-6
  • 47-0629 - Volkmann bone curettes 5" (13cm)
  • 47-0630 - Volkmann bone curettes 5¾" (14.5cm)
  • 47-0631 - Volkmann bone curettes 6¾" (17cm)
  • 47-0632 - Volkmann bone curettes 8" (20cm)
  • 47-0633 - Bone curettes 8¼" (21cm)
  • 47-0634 - Williger bone curette, Fig. 1-2
  • 48-0635 - Hartmann's periosteal raspatory Fig. 1-2
  • 48-0636 - Farabeuf's periosteal raspatory 6" (15cm) left
  • 48-0637 - Farabeuf's periosteal raspatory 6" (15cm) right
  • 48-0638 - Doyen's costal periosteotome 6¾" (17cm) right
  • 48-0639 - Doyen's costal periosteotome 6¾" (17cm) left
  • 48-0640 - Lane's bone lever 10½" (26.5cm) with serrated end
  • 48-0641 - Lambotte bone lever
  • 49-0642 - Van buren sequestrum forceps B/J 9" (23cm)
  • 49-0643 - Sequestrum forceps 8" (20cm) screw/joint, straight/curved
  • 49-0644 - Fergusson bone holding forceps 8¼" (21cm)
  • 49-0645 - Langenbeck bone holding forceps 8¼" (21cm)
  • 49-0646 - Lane's bone holding forceps 12½" (31.6cm)
  • 49-0647 - Lane's bone holding forceps 15½" (39.3cm)
  • 49-0648 - Lane's bone holding forceps 13" (33cm)
  • 49-0649 - Lane's bone holding forceps 17¾" (45cm)
  • 49-0650 - Farabeuf bone holding forceps 9" (23cm)
  • 49-0651 - Farabeuf bone holding forceps 10½" (26cm)
  • 49-0652 - Lambotte bone holding forceps 8¼" (21cm)
  • 49-0653 - Lambotte bone holding forceps 10" (25cm)
  • 49-0654 - Lambotte bone holding forceps 12" (30cm)
  • 50-0655 - Lambotte bone holding forceps 8¼" (21cm)
  • 50-0656 - Lambotte bone holding forceps 10" (25cm)
  • 50-0657 - Lambotte bone holding forceps 12" (30cm)
  • 50-0658 - Farabeuf lambotte bone holding forceps 10½" (26cm)
  • 50-0659 - Lowmann-Gerster bone clamp 7" (18cm)
  • 50-0660 - Lowmann-Gerster bone clamp 8" (20cm)
  • 50-0661 - Lowmann-Gerster bone clamp 8¾" (22cm)
  • 50-0662 - Luer's bone rongeur, screw joint 6" (15cm)
  • 50-0663 - Hartmann's bone rongeur, screw joint 6¾" (17cm)
  • 50-0664 - Luer's bone rongeur, box joint, straight/curved 7" (18cm)
  • 51-0665 - Luer's bone rongeur, box joint, straight/curved 6¾" (17cm)
  • 51-0666 - Stille bone rongeur, multiple action, straight 9" (22½cm)
  • 51-0667 - Stille bone rongeur, multiple action, curved on flat 9" (22½cm)
  • 51-0668 - Stille bone rongeur, multiple action, curved sideways 9" (22½cm)
  • 51-0669 - Chiron bone rongeur, multiple action, straight 7" (18cm)
  • 51-0670 - Chiron bone rongeur, multiple action, straight 8¾" (22cm)
  • 51-0671 - Stille bone rongeur, multiple curved sideways slender pattern 9" (23cm)
  • 51-0672 - Liston bone cutting forceps, screw joint, Fig 1-3, 5½" (14cm)
  • 51-0673 - Liston bone cutting forceps, screw joint 6¾" (17cm)
  • 51-0674 - Liston bone cutting forceps, screw joint 7½" (19cm)
  • 51-0675 - Liston bone cutting forceps, screw joint 8¾" (22cm)
  • 51-0676 - Liston bone cutting forceps, double collin lock, Fig. 1-3, 5½" (14cm)
  • 51-0677 - Liston bone cutting forceps, double collin lock, Fig. 1-3, 6¾" (17cm)
  • 51-0678 - Liston bone cutting forceps, double collin lock, Fig. 1-3, 7½" (19cm)
  • 51-0679 - Liston bone cutting forceps, double collin lock, Fig 1-3, 8¾" (22cm)
  • 52-0680 - Liston bone cutting forceps, box joint, straight 5½" (14cm)
  • 52-0681 - Liston bone cutting forceps, box joint, straight 6¾" (17cm)
  • 52-0682 - Liston bone cutting forceps, box joint, straight 7½" (19cm)
  • 52-0683 - Liston bone cutting forceps, box joint, straight 8¾" (22cm)
  • 52-0684 - Liston bone cutting forceps, box joint, curved 5½" (14cm)
  • 52-0685 - Liston bone cutting forceps, box joint, curved 6¾" (17cm)
  • 52-0686 - Liston bone cutting forceps, box joint, curved 7½" (19cm)
  • 52-0687 - Liston bone cutting forceps, box joint, curved 8¾" (22cm)
  • 52-0688 - Liston bone cutting forceps, box joint, angular 5½" (14cm)
  • 52-0689 - 6¾" (17cm)
  • 52-0690 - 7½" (19cm)
  • 52-0691 - 8¾" (22cm)
  • 52-0692 - Littauer liston forceps, box joint 6" (15cm)
  • 52-0693 - Liston bone cutting forceps, multiple action, straight 10½" (27cm)
  • 52-0694 - Liston bone cutting forceps, multiple action, angled 10½" (27cm)
  • 52-0695 - Liston-Key bone cutting forceps, multiple action, double curved 10½" (27cm)

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