Saturday, 2 June 2012

How to Clean Medical Equipment

The proper cleaning of medical instruments involves three phases: the initial cleaning, disinfecting and sterilization. Since most instruments are reused, it is vital that all three phases are carried out thoroughly, since dirty or infected instruments could lead to the spread of disease or cause the them to fail during use. This article focuses on the first phase of the process: the initial cleaning.
    • 1
      Don the proper protective gear, which includes eye protection such as goggles, heavy-duty rubber gloves, a surgical mask and a plastic apron.
    • 2
      Fill a clean sink or wash basin with tap water and a regular detergent. Then place the instrument in the water and allow it to soak for several minutes.
    • 3
      Remove the instrument from the water and disassemble it if necessary. Scrub it vigorously and thoroughly with a soft brush, such as a toothbrush, until all foreign matter is removed, then flush it through a water jet.
    • 4
      Remove any excess detergent by rinsing the instrument thoroughly, then inspect it thoroughly to confirm cleanliness.
    • 5
      Allow the instruments to air-dry, on a clean tray, or use a clean towel to remove any possible chemicals that could combine with a chemical disinfectant if one will be used. You are now ready to disinfect the instrument.
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Tips & Warnings

  • Never use a hand soap to clean the instruments, since the fatty acids they contain could leave a soap scum on the instruments. Do not use any abrasive material to scrub the instruments since this could cause permanent damage.

Read more: How to Clean Medical Equipment |

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